I feel like for straw poll it’s more valid, they probably do it to try and avoid people voting more than once.
Hello there, new here and it seems like a cool place!
@pumped@mastodon.social PumpedSardines on GitHub
I feel like for straw poll it’s more valid, they probably do it to try and avoid people voting more than once.
Imho, Lenon is heroin, George is LSD
I have no idea, but saw someone on the news saying that the chance is not high that they recover it in time
I’ve seen female and male caps 💀 like cmon how more unisex can you get?
Hahaha, “Hmmm can’t seem to open this can, i’d better grab a bottle opener, that would make this situation a lot easier”
Never heard of OpenOffice, but googled it now and it looks really impressive!
Biggest problem with the union, easy to criticize it because no one knows how to counter the criticism. And usually the people who criticize it don’t understand the union either
Wait, why use a bottle opener for a can?
One important thing to know about sailing boats is that sailing is a skill and you need to learn a lot to be able to use the boat. Motorboats are way easier to use.
I like sailing so I prefer a sailing boat, but if you just wanna go on trips and don’t care about the sailing then you need to be prepared to learn and practice a lot