Thank you for this explanation!
Thanks for this! 🤯
PixelFed is federated Instagram!
TL;DR nobody knows. It has happened in smaller numbers but not like this. People think over fishing (but a similar event previously in Brazil with no known cause)
Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, Slay the Spire, Gwent
Thanks for this! Jerboa and Liftoff technically work in tablet view, but they are not yet optimized. Will have to give this a try 👍
There is one but it’s still in TestFlight. I believe it’s supposed to be out officially by the end of the month but apple may be giving them issues. Toot from the developers
Is this an app rec for tablets specifically, or just Lemmy apps in general?
Typically that depiction is due to extreme corneal edema (swelling of the front surface of your eye, which is a clear structure). As it swells (edema) it becomes opaque (white). This happens when you die (hence the creepiness) but also in some corneal diseases such as Fuchs Corneal Dystrophy
Let’s get them over to Mastodon! #fediverse (yes I’m going all in)
Thankskilling is truly a gem!
Slightly off-topic but has kbin re-enabled federation?
Just started this one myself! Seems like a unique game to say the least! Definitely worth a gamepass play imo
If you can grab a rag or similar object, muffle the top of the can and press down over that spot where the “mouth hole” is with the rag-hand as you pop the tab with the other. Try and make the rag-hand have no air gaps. In very quiet environments you will still be heard but should lower the volume a bit!