That was a beautiful game!
That was a beautiful game!
I loved it until I didn’t.
Don’t remember how far I got, maybe 2/3 of the biomes, then I burned out and got bored. That was a while back, and flattening the land was really glitchy. I’d have an area perfectly flattened and ready to commence building, save it all down, come back next day, and it’d all gone to shit again. I got sick of trying. It became more of a grind just to get back to my last save point than I wanted, and gave up on it.
Did it ever get a full release?
As a kid, I found Gargoyles Quest infuriatingly addictive. I wasn’t good enough to do well at it, it annoyed me, but I kept going back for more.
Not sure tbh, I have a couple of SF30 Pros for about 3 years and they’ve been solid, never had any shedding.
Agreed, SMW was actually the first thing that popped into my head when writing the post subject, SMB1-3 definitely qualify too. I’d put them all on equal footing in this regard.
Yeah fair enough, I wasn’t really considering ports to new systems when I asked the question. I was thinking more along the lines of, if they remastered something like SMW with more modern graphics or slightly different controls, it wouldn’t hold up to the original masterpiece. But then again flatscreens don’t display games designed for crt screens as well as they were initially intended. Maybe remakes would’ve been a better question!
God dammit.
It’s been years. Literally years.
Well played.
I totally agree, I just cba. I have too much going on in my life to start from scratch like that again, and windows is just easy now. I hate the whole drm model, but like most people, I’ll live with it unless Linux finally becomes an easy, viable alternative that’s supported to the same degree as windows and feels just as easy to use.
Where I live, Costco tends to be priced fairly in line with supermarket prices, but slightly higher quality for a lot of things. Not everything, you get to know what’s what, but as a general guideline it works. Meat for example, I’d always have said it was higher quality and cheaper prices, but the chicken has dropped in quality over the past few years. So you’ve still got to be careful at times. TP is much cheaper, but comparible to named brands.
8bitdo aren’t really for any particular device, but the quality is fantastic.
I’ll be honest here, I really couldn’t care less what you say anymore, you thought you could correct someone online and feel superior, it didn’t pan out, and when you realised you’d misinterpreted everything from the start, you doubled down for the sake of pride.
It’s cute, I feel for you, but the link you provided was totally irrelevant to the point being made, and you’re now starting to look like a bit of a fool.
No-one cares.
No-one is going to read this far into our argument.
You can feel like your setting the record straight on a public forum if you want, but you were wrong from the start and literally no-one cares. No-one.
This is purely about your own ego and the need for you to be right.
It’s OK, I’ll admit defeat, you’re right. You were right the whole time, I didn’t even know the point I was making, but you did. Now run along.
I’m not gonna waste any more of my time arguing with someone that is straight-up dishonest.
I’ve tried to meet you in the middle when I said you had misinterpreted me but I could’ve been clearer, I’ve also brought the conversation to an end multiple times, but you keep telling me I’m wrong, despite the fact that YOU misinterpreted me from the start.
You’re absolutely full of shit, acting like you won’t waste anymore of your time. You’re determined that there’s no possible way you could be wrong, and you can’t drop it, or you would’ve stopped when I stopped any of those previous times.
You should maybe speak to someone about your need to be right over people, because it seems clear you have something going on there that needs addressing.
Yeeeah, I’ll be honest, I’ve lost interest in this conversation a long time ago, you’re adamant that you’re right, even to the point of telling me what I meant when you misinterpreted it.
So yep fine, you must be right, I must be wrong.
Have a fantastic day in full knowledge that I completely, wholeheartedly agree with everything that you’ve said, and take back everything that I’ve said.
Gray on white, regardless of shade, is infinitely better than black on white. Atan said so.
Sounds like you’ve already answered your own question.
It might die. If it does, it’s not a super big deal. You have backups. You don’t like creating unnecessary e-waste.
As gets have said, crystal disk info can help detect any existing problems, but it can’t predict the future if something happens suddenly. So it can be a good indicator, but don’t assume it’s 100%.
Yep, that’s right, you drew false conclusions from the start, in that I was referring to the same shade of gray as in the study; which, incidentally, was far more focused on light background & dark text vs dark background & light text, than it was black text vs gray text, so it wasn’t even really relevant to begin with.
Glad we finally agree!
I mean, I wasn’t mistaken, you drew false conclusions from what I said from the offset, then dug your heals in when I made it crystal clear what was meant, time and time again. Anyway.
It feels like we’re arguing semantics for the sake of it, you’re entitled to your opinion, as am I. You misinterpreted what I meant from the start, maybe I could have been more explicit. Whatever the case, have a good evening.
I don’t disagree about the overuse of light grey/white, but it’s really irrelevant to what I said.
My entire point from the very start, the point that you’re replying to, was about the differences in shades of gray, be that from calibration or design choice lol.
If a screen is so badly calibrated that dark grey is coming out substantially lighter then it’s probably going to doing something similar to black.
From my experience of using screens like this for years, no, it doesn’t. Black is black. Gray varies by screen, and more importantly, by web dev.
No developer ponders what shade of black to use, it’s 000000. Gray… Not quite as clear cut.
Nothing anecdotal about that, but sure. And my entire point from the start was that black causes less strain than light gray.
At the end of the day, you have your opinions, I have mine, and I’m sure you’re right that dark gray is better than black for eye strain, but in the real world it doesn’t work like that due to the reasons I laid out above; monitor calibrations and web devs who just throw whatever shade of gray they want on to it.
Wish that was my worst case scenario