yeah, you are right. “I have had enough” is a better translation (Epic reference XD)
yeah, you are right. “I have had enough” is a better translation (Epic reference XD)
no problemo
now you do
means “I am enraged” can be said e.g. by mom to children
Yeah, it means shit’s gonna hit the fan
yeah, it totally does make more sense.
the phonetisation was good
Hehe, at least you correctly identified ot as polish*. my comment was a translation of yours (with varying degrees of properness).
Did you try to write the phonetisation of it to English or what is it?
don’t use tiktok
“Knur stracił dwa”
Dla więcej tłumaczenia pomocy, oznacz mnie komendą !Przetłumaczmojegówno
Zastanawiam się na ile będę żałować tego komentarza…
It’s not like you approach it with “maybe I’ll convert json to xml today”.
It’s for when you have a thing to do and know you can do it there.
they kinda don’t rank amongst 1st world countries
Great post
No Nine Sols, absolute banger of a game
convenience, marketing
friends on reddit?
European countries also need to start adding more specific geographical indicators to the titles. Specifically such indicators that mean nothing to people from outside the country. Wielkopolska’s teen, Moravian resident, Sachsen-Anhalt toddler…
and then make them into even more meaningless initialisms.
TIL: I thought it was acceptable
octopodes or octopi,
I mean octopuses is correct too, but less fun
not less than 3, exactly 3\s