I cancelled my paid Spotify account because I can’t get them to stop fucking recommending Joe Rogan to me.
I cancelled my paid Spotify account because I can’t get them to stop fucking recommending Joe Rogan to me.
Q: Why are the Pyramids in Egypt?
A: Because England couldn’t figure out a way to ship them to the British Museum.
Probably gonna be 60F in January, too.
Tourists: What about my Constitutional Rights! If it wasn’t for us, you’d all be speaking German now!
I nice cold seltzer with a lime wedge.
It’s always the southern states that rate lowest in damn near every category.
“It’s called summer, libtards. There’s always mass die-offs of entire ecosystems in summer.”
We’re fucked.
See that kid on a bike back there? Well FUCK them, you little asshole! Serves them right. Just sayin…
So, is OP gatekeeping Dad Jokes, or did he just slip one in there?
Upvote, you glorious bastard.
Exposure to other people/cultures/lifestyles generally leads towards more understanding of them. I believe that is part of the core right-wing attitude that ‘colleges are liberal indoctrination centers’. You’re not being indoctrinated, you are being introduced and (gasp) seeing that they are regular people, just like you.
(Professor Farnsworth Voice) Good News, Everyone! The planet is dying but here’s a happy little article about a parrot!
Yes, clinching as well. Upvote. I just forever hear Mills Lane in my mind yelling ‘No Holding! No Holding!’. Never heard it refereed to as hugging though.
Holding. It’s called holding…
Homeowner-targeted inkjet printers are evil, especially from HP. NEVER buy one that works a subscription into the purchase. They are garbage, and can disable your cartridges if you cancel your subscription.
Can we just ungroup the damned Taskbar already? I don’t understand why they are being so stubborn on this.