Luckily it is almost completely irrelevant in Dutch whether a word is male of female. Heck, I am Dutch an I wouldn’t be able to tell male and female words apart most of the time.
It’s simple: I don’t want to, and I don’t need to.
I can use my bicycle or E-bike. And on a family trip someone else will drive.
It also saves a lot of money.
This also gives me hope that after a couple of years of far-right governance, these people will end up losing and more centrist politicians will be in charge again. Making this shit temporary in Europe.
That is indeed a bird.
Thanks. I can read the thread, for now.
As messy as it is here, it ia at least not the US.
This will create an incentive for people who have 2, 4, 8, maybe even more more people om the tracks to not double, making the idea even worse.