And as we enter the “Entire cities burning down” part of climate change the world will do… Absolutely nothing.
And as we enter the “Entire cities burning down” part of climate change the world will do… Absolutely nothing.
Also fostering, if it would be a good fit, too.
You know it’s very easy to get a bow and arrow right? Even if you’re a felon with mental health problems.
Live your dreams.
12% of people are in poverty so 50% being low income sounds right. Especially cuz 60k a year is basically poverty in some parts of the country.
About 9% of kids are “food insecure” meaning their household income is so low access to food is uncertain or limited.
I wouldn’t have technically qualified as either poverty-stricken or food insecure as a child, but I sure felt poor and went to bed hungry sometimes.
The numbers here may not be accurate, but the official numbers are bleak enough and certainly don’t tell the whole story.
Stuff can also be funny twice.
Like sure I’m not gonna repost something knowingly but I’ll chuckle at this the next time I see it.
Does the sword make me age or live forever?
I’d guess they’re either advertising to possible dissenters, or sowing distrust.
I doubt anyone but me has even looked at it in years so I doubt I’m benefiting somehow.
It is a strange practice now that I think about it. Never occurred to me that it wasn’t normal.
Nah my job is terrible I’m barely getting the due benefits lol. Thank you though. I figured I’d have to do something malicious for it to matter, but I’ve never even thought about this stuff.
It is kinda odd that they ask at all.
Yeah all good points, thanks. Why rock the boat. I’ll just pretend like I never noticed.
Launching a nuke would have to be the dumbest thing Putin could do. A huge chunk of NATO must already be salivating at the internal chaos.
I bet Polish social media is on fire right now.
How many do they have not in Ukraine… Who are also willing to kill fellow Russians? If the average Russian military sentiment is, “Eh, let them through” this could be huge.
Plus a lot of the “Royal Guard” may be well-connected rich kids who are even less inclined to fight.
Way too soon to know for sure, but. 🍿
Are you guys OK? I go more than 1-2 days and I feel like death.
Huh, even with context, I guess.
Terrible case of not liking new bathrooms? I hate public restrooms too but, my brother in christ take some deep breaths you’ll get through.
Or maybe a sex journey, thanks /kbin 🤣
Gotta be Rapunzel right? All that hair.
Yeah they overcharged him thinking he’d take a plea. Kinda standard but fucked up, too.
Oh it definitely is complicated, and I’m not an expert in any sense. As I understand it a lot of the original water rights in this area were given out during unusually wet years, which has been a cascade of failures since.
I don’t know that it should have been the Supreme Court dealing with this. Seems like congress should have, but doesn’t like to weigh in anymore. Especially since fixing the water problems out here would cost money and maybe even require us to stop building houses, golf courses, etc… so it gets punted to SCOTUS by default.
It feels unjust to me to guarantee people a permanent home somewhere and not have a responsibility to somehow address their water needs. Although, how do you give them more of something that barely exists as is?
I just hate how our government has so effortlessly “othered” people throughout the years. I feel like if 1/3 of Tuscon (about 175,000 people) didn’t have running water, every level of the government wouldn’t just shrug.
It is a terribly complicated issue and I don’t know how to fix it without changing human nature. It’s just endlessly frustrating.
Someone who’s more informed than me, please chime in.
As I understand it Alexis stepped away from the board(?) of reddit in 2020. Supposedly in protest after George Floyd was murdered. I believe he’s just your standard “Hey look, I’m woke too!” venture capitalist nowadays. Likely still heavily invested in reddit, seeing as I don’t think he’s spoken out on the controversy lately.
He caught a lot of heat for firing Victoria back in 2015 iirc.
Most of what I saw about him was from his own website so take it all with a huge grain of salt.
Although as much as I hate to give props to a rich guy, he does put on a much better Real Human act than spez, Musk, or Zuc.
I feel like this would be highly dependent on your resume.
Might catch some looks if your work experience is mostly Dennys and Walmart and you’re trying to hide a six month gap behind an NDA.
Start talking to your coworkers!
Even if you don’t convince your workplace to unionize, you’re laying the groundwork for the next person who tries.