Fashion 2: Electric Boogaloo
Fashion 2: Electric Boogaloo
Hey, would you like half a Tina?
If everyone’s polygamous, no one is
You 🎄say 🎄Merry🎄 Christmas🎄not🎄Happy🎄Holidays🎄Jesus🎄didn’t🎄die🎄for🎄 us🎄 so 🎄you 🎄can🎄disrespect🎄Santa🎄Clause!🎄
Fly straight to heaven
Ah, the proverbial last meal
Champagne and cheese company CEOs conflicted.
I wonder how Red Bull sales are in Russia.
Where is Ja Rule when you need him?
Options options
It’s a picture of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooter during his interrogation.
He said he had voices in his head and saw demons, so the detective asked if the demons were in the room with them at the moment.
So, by using this incident, the meme is suggesting that Great Again America is not real.
Sound like human
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There’s also OXYGEN in the WATER, the stuff that causes METAL to RUST and they want you to DRINK IT?!?
Oompa loompa doopa dee dit
He wants to swallow some of our spit
Oompa loompa doopa dee dah
Aim at his mouth and go hawk tuah
Eventually we will have drone vs drone and robot vs robot wars.
They are also very unhappy when others steal their food. So hypocritical.
Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
Then it would be a multilingual computer
Yes! Now go to my website to buy supplements that will make you bigger and last longer before your first conjugal visit. Oh, and they’ll give you six pack abs.