This is a free platform, i can have my own opinions, so you fuck off
This is a free platform, i can have my own opinions, so you fuck off
that’s right
For trying to keep out of trouble by not associating with criminals? ha
Just shows how sensationalized this post tries to be, Probably to fit someone’s agenda
Good ridance! piracy jeopardizes the stability of !Lemmy.world If you want to be a pirate, do stupid illegal shit fine, but don’t drag everyone else with you
It is possible to take risks while reducing the possibility of a bad outcome or mitigating the consequences of said outcome
Thanks a lot for the tip! i found the site and looks extremely useful
Thanks! Default settings or there is something i need to configure?
It still a tangible income you deny to the author. Go to a book store and read an entire book right there, and see if they don’t kick you out just because technically you didn’t seal a physical object.
Go to a cinema and record the movie to see what the staff says, of to a music store and record and entire album in your phone, lmao how people can’t get the simplest of concepts
They ask to see the snake and then recoil in disgust and whine when someone shows it to them
Nothing material is lost, but if you’re charging to see said piece of artwork and that dude who saved it on his computer shows it to other people you’re loosing money. And don’t come with the excuse that if they’re weren’t going to pay for it in the first place you don’t loose money, because that some cheap argument to get something free, i would like to see entering a store and grabbing a book and reading it completely, then saying that you weren’t meaning to pay in the first place so the author didn’t loose any money, they will kick you out inmediatly.
Super Heroes are so fucking dumb. I always hear how they have broken powers like moving faster than light, traveling trough time, resisting galactic-size explosions, outsmarting supposedly smart aliens or gods and all that, And then you read a comic and they’re struggling to fight a dude in a banana costume or something retarded like that
Modern dogs shouldn’t exist and all breeds sould be put down for the good of nature
Sadly, most cities are build in a way which forces you pretty much to own and drive a car. Everything so far apart and tho public transport may help, tho in some cases is either neglected or badly implemented. Ideally, i think cities should be built around a way that easily allows traveling on foot, bike or with a solid subway and/or bus system.
Personally, i just find it boring. I don’t have any strong opinions on it but god, the fans can be really annoying sometimes.
People are really entitled when it comes to copyright, just because they like something they think it’s okay to steal it, just because “it doesn’t hurt anyone”, an while in some cases that may be true, they act offended when something is behind a paywall or when an artist or company try to limit access to a piece of media. The author and the copyright owners are in their right to do whatever they like with any song/movie/show/book, and people shouldn’t be mad because someone limit access to something they rightfully own. Imagine if your neighbor comes walking into your house and steal food in your freezer because they say “they’re a fan of your food” that’s fucking stupid. Stop bitching about not being able to consume like the pigs you are and try to produce your own things instead.
Finally someone who makes sense!