It has been ruled illegal in the Netherlands only last year but companies still do it and het away with it.
It has been ruled illegal in the Netherlands only last year but companies still do it and het away with it.
I’ve found that Charlie Cunningham has some stuff that can really motivate or put stuff in perspective. Stuff like Pathways or Headlights can feel like a hand on the shoulder.
Oh I misread the question.
Non-shitty affordable gaming. No Internet required, no updates, no game breaking bugs if you bought it on day one. Just bring your Game Boy Colour in the back seat of the car on vacation, bring a shitload of AA’s and finish Pokémon Blue 3 times in a few weeks.
Francis? FRANCIS?!
Also nice username, don’t really know of any other context than the Family Guy Star Wars spoof
Yeah so the end of summer is the worst time to get mental health issues.
Therapists be like ‘yeah walks are good just be careful not to drown on your way out the front door’
The illumemenati controls all
You know what I think? There is not really a meme but the meme about the meme is the meme
I used to be an optimist for the implementation of A(G/S)Iafter reading Wait But Why’s explanation of it.
I think AI can have huge positive effects on AI. But the way marketing has ran with it… Everything suddenly needs to have the label even if it doesn’t really qualify. The environmental impact of people doing stupid, unnecessary things with AI is huge. Not to mention societal impact of AI companions.
If AI was designed by any other species than humans, it might’ve been interesting.
Er wordt beweerd dat de Schotten hun Scotch egg naar Groningen hebben gebracht en dat de Groningers de aaierbal daarvan hebben afgeleid.
Verdere informatie hierover is ook op te vragen door even te zoeken op ‘Aaierbal Z’
Which country are you in
It’s been a while since an actual shower thought was posted
sRGB is fine for gaming and your DAW, DCI-P3 is only useful if you want very accurate colours. The DCI-P3 one has higher frame rate, but it’ll have more latency. You could go for the HDR variant, but HDR is mostly bad on laptop screens. Apart from that it uses a lot of battery power.
For some things, the i7 works a bit more efficient than the i9, the i9 is a beast but that also makes it bulky. And power hungry.
32 GB RAM is solid, I wouldn’t go for 16.
And for the graphics thing, well… If it’s photo/video editing and you don’t plan on using an external display as a default, you might want to consider the 3rd option for a screen. DCI-P3 is much broader than sRGB.
Edit: oh and I don’t know what the upgradability is on this thing but you might wanna go for the 1TB drive just in case.
And if I can give you a bit of Windows advice: see if you can chop up that disk in two partitions before you start installing stuff. Keep your Windows partition, the part of the disk where you only keep Windows, at around 120GB. This will cause Windows not to create tens of gigabytes of cache files on the disk, freeing up space for more content. And something I always immediately do is turn hibernate off (powercfg.exe /hibernate off) in order not to get a hiberfile.sys the size of your used RAM.
4060 or 7600XT but that’s still very pricey. It really depends on what you call graphic heavy. The latest video games will not run on an Xe. Then again, they’ll not run great on a 4070 either. If you need to do stuff like video editing, especially rendering, will take longer on an Xe but will work. A 4070 will be quicker but you’ll be far better off with a Quadro or whatever they call their professional series now. They do add to the price but you can settle for a lower model. If you’re looking at just stuff like photo editing, an Xe will do fine.
I wouldn’t look to hard for a decent gpu. Matter of fact, you might even get one without a discrete gpu but one with decent integrated graphics. You’ll be fine with a Ryzen 7 or whatever Intel’s equivalent currently is. Get a 9 if you want it to have some extra oomph. But save yourself the cost of getting something with a 4070 or 4080.
Thanks, I thought it was pretty clever
Is that regular behaviour in Portugal? I wonder how the average João responds to being petted
Yep they noticed a while ago that they can up the price of the completely ad-free experience, call it super extra premium and create 15 tiers below it, gradually giving you more annoyances and pretending it’s necessary to keep their business afloat. These are multi million dollar profits they’re making, it is in no way necessary. This is just profit maximalisation over the back of ignorant people who will do anything to pay a little less without knowing they’re continuously paying more.
Anything you’d like to share with the rest of the class? I remember seeing a number like 300 of 400 at some point