Ha! This clown is talking about Postcards for Democrats, a grassroots organization of volunteers reminding registered Democrats to vote for their local Democratic candidates. Super threatening to … nazis, I guess?
Ha! This clown is talking about Postcards for Democrats, a grassroots organization of volunteers reminding registered Democrats to vote for their local Democratic candidates. Super threatening to … nazis, I guess?
Pop your info in here to locate and contact the clerk for details on how to “deregister” or cancel your Wisconsin voter registration: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/My-Municipal-Clerk
Steve got you, fam! I’ve been registered and actively voting in 3 states since 2020 - currently in a swing state. I was getting over 40 emails and 15 texts every day, plus phone calls each week. Last week I cancelled my registrations in the two former states by snail mail, because that’s apparently the only way they verify your signature.
I’ve lived in and was registered in 3 states in the past 4 years - currently in a swing state. Before I began blocking political texts and emails a month ago, I counted over 40 emails and over 15 texts per day, every day, plus phone calls every week.
Disgusting but true. Most voters won’t look at policy; they just want the illusion of a “strong man”.