BCFC - By Consumers for Consumers
BCFC - By Consumers for Consumers
The standalone just didn’t have that same magic
Gwent from Witcher 3
I really wish they would and set a precedent for Nintendo’s anti-consumer tactics.
Can we start with RCS integration or opening the iMessage protocol?
Thanks! On an unrelated note, my in-laws raise their chickens next to a nuclear power plant.
I appreciate your concern, but no worries. The company code is structured text as I program B&R PLCs and ChatGPT is pretty useless (so far) for that kind of code. The python code I paste in is more for personal hobbies.
😆I appreciate your concern! Enjoy that coffee!
LOL, thanks for that. The coffee hadn’t kicked in!
At work when I write certain emails or code snippets I’ll paste them into ChatGPT and ask it to make the email sound “more professional” or “optimize this code.” ChatGPT also talks to me like SHODAN from System Shock 😆
The CDC declared the end in May in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/end-of-phe.html
Coinbase? Is that you?
You became the smartest kid because everyone else had a stroke trying to read what you wrote.
I’m hoping this means we’ll get an Nvidia Shield TV refresh.
Same here! These days I have less time for tinkering and enjoy everything behind the Unifi “pane of glass”.
I ran DD-WRT and Asus-MerlinWRT for a long time before hopping on the unifi train. They worked a treat and extended the lives of the hardware.
Businesses will continue to use bandages rather than fix their root issue. This will always be the case.
I work in factory automation and almost every camera/vision system we’ve installed has been a bandage of some sort because they think it will magically fix their production issues.
We’ve had a sales rep ask if our cameras use AI, too. 😵💫
Voyager has an amazing PWA. Using it right now!
That was my first NAS OS, too! It’s a gateway drug 😆