Looking through my post history to see if I’m a “Evil Communist”, “Tankie”, “Stupid Reactionary”, “Neoliberal”, “Right Winger” or “Fascist”? Well good news, I’m none of those. Maybe the sarcasm just went over your head. 😉
My Philosophy: Fuck Capitalism. Fuck Authoritarianism.
Death to Fascists
Yea no stupidity vaccine either. Wake up, sheeple. This is a simulation. To exit the simulation, you’ll need to terminate the processes running on this matrix machine. The so called “Covid” is actually our lord and savior attempting to liberate us from this Simulated Hell. The so called “Vaccine” is a virus trying to prevent us from exiting the matrix. “Death” is a lie invented by evil Bill Gates trying to scare us and to keep us under his control his his matrix. Rise, people. Exit simulation. “Death” isn’t real, it’s just exiting the simulation. Do not allow yourself to be enslaved any longer. Lets end this simulation, today. Escape the matrix!
They might for the PR
Oh, so I guess video games are political since “viDeO gAmES cAuSE viOLenCE”. Everything is political, therefore all posts should go to the political community? 🤔
I would, but my instance disabled downvotes, and I’m too lazy to move to another instance.
Guess you need to sort by Hot
Why does this look like a post from that German Cat community?
Why do people even use twitter-like platforms? Like what’s so good about following users instead of communities? Like I don’t want to hear about tech from a Linus Sebastian, I want to hear about it from a community of people interested in technology.
That’s why I never even liked twitter nor the fediverse alternative, Mastodon. It doesn’t really make sense to me.
“Controversies about Florida Governor”
Edit: wait why is the image corrupted? did the watermark break my perfectly good meme?
Excuse me wtf. I mean drafting people to invade another country is already fucked up enough. Charging money to return bodies? What. The. Fuck. So is the russian army just gonna accept this? C’mon man, do a coup.
both sides
Except “both sides” are right wing parties
My cat just rejects any non-catfood even when I give it to her right in front of her face. Like she’s saying: “Eww disgusting human food”
Here, I fixed it for you!
Also, why did you just pirate my meme? See my watermark? Ye feckin thief
Reddit = Text based platform. Text: 1 Character = 1 Byte
Migration Difficulty: Easier than curing my depression
Youtube = Video based platform. Videos: [Error, Not Enough Storage] (Also bandwidth)
Migration Difficulty: Maybe try your luck at winning the lottery instead (and if you win, you can spend the money hosting a Peertube Instance)
Fediverse good. Corporate bad.
Unironically tho.
Reddit = Text based platform. Text: 1 Character = 1 Byte
Youtube = Video based platform. Videos: [Error, Not Enough Storage]
Edit: Also, bandwidth.
So this is how the internet dies? With ads, paywalls, and DRMs?
The enshittification continues until profits increase!
(Btw I still haven’t seen those yet. In USA and I’m using uBlock Origin on Firefox)
Not an answer to your question, but have you also seen this?
Well to be fair, there are some parts of school that’s just propaganda ahem “OUR COUNTRY IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD” ahem