The moment you get rid of the phone, you start turning into a sheep? Better hold onto mine then, I suppose.
An avid meme observer and Fediverse enthusiast.
The moment you get rid of the phone, you start turning into a sheep? Better hold onto mine then, I suppose.
Why, it was just yesterday when I… oh, come to think of it, that was nearly a decade ago. Huh.
2h after sunset, eh? In summer when the sun doesn’t set, all my negative thoughts shall be valid! Woooo! (that’s actually some good advice you’re giving though)
I just browse things for fun, mostly. I rarely have anything important to add, so I rarely even comment.
I did try making a few memes, but I don’t really have ideas for general memes. I only make memes for specific friends about some very specific thing they or I said or did, and those don’t really fit in here.
Older houses definitely have them… but there was this trend at some point to renavate older houses and remove the oil heaters and fireplaces and wood heated saunas, and replace everything with electric ones. Why? No idea, trends are weird.
Wait… I’m supposed to follow instructions?
This kinda happened to me once when she noticed my browser doesn’t save history. I then spent the rest of the evening showing her how to do that on her browser as well as going through all the other browser settings, some extensions and themes (she picked one with purple and pink flowers).
How are you going to eat the popcorn with the suit on?
That’s fair. It’s quite difficult to get whole communities of people move to another platform. I still miss the RuneScape (art) community that was on Twitter. That’s really the only thing I miss about the site though, so can’t say I regret leaving.
… and now I want to play Skyrim again. Damn it.
Wait, what would similar reaction actually be? Would they send 100 000 women to Sweden?
Don’t forget the blocker for adblock detection blocker detection!
I stopped reading out of habit as soon as I got to the “award winning design” and “form factor”. Such marketing buzzwords are usually a good sign telling me that part of the text has no valuable information and should be skipped.
I hadn’t even noticed this habit and I have no idea when it started. I wonder what other subconscious reading optimizations I’ve made, and how they might impact the type of information I read without me realizing it…
I’ve been seeing some of that, but there are apparently also a ton of bots being created for who knows what reason and that’s spooky. (it made the user count jump up in hundreds of thousands) Can’t say I know much about that, but I’d imagine it’ll cause some issues sooner than later…
I must say, ‘green meat’ doesn’t sound particularly appetizing.
Oh how the times change… soon people will be sent to Siberia as a reward!
How are you still alive? I have to remove batteries from clocks around the house during a migraine because even the ticking noise is too much…
I didn’t even use Reddit all that much, but here I’ve spent way too much time already. Just seeing all these communities forming and people trying to find their place is fascinating. Not really something I see every day!
Shhh… perhaps I was unable to outrun a train obsession, but in my defense trains can be very fast!
I just use this against compliments.