If they were really in a coma, how did they file the claim? Hah! Checkmate!
If they were really in a coma, how did they file the claim? Hah! Checkmate!
Electric cars don’t need a transmission at all
Rock, melon-slice!
This is the psychology behind all tribalism.
If you choose a team, and your team wins, you’re a winner!
Security Theatre
The slap was because you were blaming the person who actually contributed more to the driver.
The correct response is: Wow! The delivery fee was only 3.49! How do they expect someone to work for such a pathetic wage!
NO! I don’t think you understood at all!
Someone else hired a person and paid them 3.49 to drive hot food around.
Then a customer, who also paid the first person paid the driver more than their employer did.
If I could slap you over the internet right now I would.
There’s no plastic in an aluminum can. Both glass and aluminum are almost totally recycled into their base materials. Aluminum is lighter to transport to and from the recycling facility.
Do not upgrade to Gemini assistant! It literally cannot do any Google home tasks, like set alarms, events, tasks etc.
This is despite it explicitly claiming that it can do most Assistant task (including the ones I mentioned above).
0 Stars.
I think that’s the gimmick - it’s like a spot the difference once you’ve done the puzzle and are still in Minnesota with nothing else to do.
That is a good question, but I suspect if you tried this in real life it would still show static.
I suspect a better thought experiment would be if you just disconnected the input and amplification circuit entirely from the CRT tube, in which case you would probably just get white as the electron beam scans back and forth without any modulation.
Bring back personal homepages and webrings!
It’s based on the same technology that makes you turn faster in Mario Kart if you tilt your head and turn the controller like a steering wheel.
I think the canon reason given for this and other “why didn’t the ship’s computer just stop them?” situations that it’s a privacy violation to just go around scanning people without their permission.
Although they do seem to do a lot of “scanning for life-signs” so who knows?
Cruel AND unusual??
Gary Newman -> Gary Oldman
I’m not an expert on the subject, but at least one of the calenders you’re thinking of is a Lunar calendar.
So not 365.242374 days but a variety of other synchronisation problems.
Not enough RGB