the only two apps i use but have not yet seen mentioned:
- florisboard (keyboard)
- simple time tracker (time tracking tool, duh)
dishonorable mention:
- revanced manager (youtube, but useable?)
the only two apps i use but have not yet seen mentioned:
dishonorable mention:
serious question: how does opera (the company) make money?
we don’t need another mail app. they should’ve just supported FairEmail. it’s great and works flawlessly. developed by one guy who does not get enough in return. if you can, support him by buying the premium version and yourself by switching to the best android mail client.
that’s genius. i have never even considered that you could use a (sub)domain with a local ip like that to get a certificate from a trusted ca. i ma not sure i understand the neccessity for api access to your dns service. is the txt record for LE different every time you have to pass a challenge? otherwise i imagine you could just set and forget the record.
thank you for the explanation, well appreciated!
could you expand a bit on your edit? so bitwarden extensions need a valid ssl certificate for the domain where the server is hosted? how do you get that for (i assume) a local domain? thank you for your time!
thank you! so it is basically looking at identifiable patterns in the packet flow and matching them to protocols. i also found this paper about traffic identification interesting.
i still think this kind of shotgun approach is not ideal, and the extension seems more like a service to me than a way to help the ia. so “help contribute” is not the wording i would chose. but i very well might be missing the point. i do love the internet archive and their fight for information freedom, don’t get me wrong. this was more of a nitpick.
does this actually help the internet archive in any way? as in are your local ressources used or ad revenue generated? i fail to see how telling them to archive everything you visit is of any help to them. other than you being basically a crawler, i guess
can you maybe link some ressources on how the protocol used can be detected? i did not know about this and would like to read into it some more :)
i trust proton quite a lot, but the open source part seems to be only partially true. on their github, i can only find client side code (ie. browser extensions, mobile apps), not the server code, which bitwarden does publish
i also use brave search a lot, switched after ddg downranked russian search results and the microsoft tracking scandal. but now i am reconsidering. besides searX, what are the best privacy focused search engines atm?
i have that issue too, sometimes. it’s either image or link. maybe you are not supposed to use both fields at the same time?
no, you are right. there is a lot of talk about the brave browser in this thread, a chromium based ad blocking browser by the brave company that gives you their own crypto in return for unobtrusive ads on the start page, which can then be used to donate to content creators on the internet (i think) or be cashed in. you and the op are talking about brave search, a search engine created by the same company
oh ok, thank you. but that still does not help you for limited quantity rewards, which i guess is why those are so common?
can you elaborate what the pledge manager is, and what the benefit of doing this would be? thank you!
the german tv channel ARD actually published a three-part investigation into Spotify and Eventim middle of 2023 where they spotlighted this issue as well. it’s a great watch if you understand german!
it’s called Dirty Little Secrets
EDIT: here’s episode two, the relevant one where they investigate what they call “ghost musicians”