Duckduckgo is similar, but returning Bing results, right? And google results suck these days.
Duckduckgo is similar, but returning Bing results, right? And google results suck these days.
From now on; whenever they can’t find incriminating messages elsewhere, they will come to you. You suspicious, secret, something to hide-guy.
Everyone deserves private communication.
can they legaly extract money from that fund?
One of the things skype did first and best was decent noise filtering, transforming peoples shit audio equipment to something you could listen to for more than 5 minutes without going crazy.
You use your own software and read bug reports.
If people can have the right to private communication, and that privilege being extended to criminals as well, surely that is worth it.
Police can do old fassioned police work. Every job doesn’t need to be behind a desk, issuing database queries.
Assumption is that they ask apple to remove it for swedish apple accounts. Apple does that for goverments all the time.
So it’s small? Big? Heavy?
Someone should tell Trump that putin just called him a liar.
Whoever decided to turn it off sucks.
By the time you are 14, you have probably figured out everything about yourself. Tell him what girls want and think at his age. When i was a kid, my friend was dead convinced that all girls prefer anal sex, cause “that doesn’t hurt”. He based that, I assume, entirely on porn he had seen.
How about Europe denies entry to rich americans?
They don’t owe Trump 500 billion though. That number was made up by Trump. The real number was an order of magnitude less.
SonyEricson p800 was launched 2002. It said smart phone on it.
So this giant comes from a place where giant trees grow.
Free quality education for all is a foundation for a functioning democracy. It’s also nice when your fellow man, your neighbor, is not a dumbass.
America has fox news. Legaly not a news channel, but an entertainment channel. They argue that you are not suposed to take them seriously. But their viewers don’t know that. Half the country takes whatever is said dead seriously.
Looking young and healthy is a turn on. Having nothing in common is a turn off.
Perhaps they should do something good with Might & Magic.
So the userbase is worth $12bn.