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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • The part that is over hyped is companies trying to jump the gun and wholesale replace workers with unproven AI substitutes. And of course the companies who try to shove AI where it doesn’t really fit, like AI enabled fridges and toasters.

    This is literally the hype. This is the hype that is dying and needs to die. Because generative AI is a tool with fairly specific uses. But it is being marketed by literally everyone who has it as General AI that can “DO ALL THE THINGS!” which it’s not and never will be.

  • Your point is valid. Companies do use marketing to sell their products by using lots of outrageous claims. And my problem isn’t really what the companies it’s mostly with the people who are buying that bullshit.

    P.S. your Coca-Cola example would have been better if you had reached back to their origins when they were sold as a tonic that cures just about everything. What they’re being sold as right now is just a soda and all of the current marketing around it is just nostalgia bait which everybody uses for everything especially around Christmas time.