Either that or Trump is following orders.
Either that or Trump is following orders.
Collaborative world building often falls apart. It needs a full time coordinator, or it’s like herding cats.
The CIA wishes they were even a tenth as competent as you think they are.
Go read any of the declassified reports of CIA activity, starting with the Church commission.
Or the actual events of Benghazi.
The truth is, the CIA is full of bumbling chucklefucks who have no clue if the actions they take will have the effect they want.
They can do a lot of damage, but like you, they also tend to believe the Hollywood myth making.
This belief doesn’t make them any more competent, but it does make them more reckless and dangerous.
By a worm no less.
Not everything shot for a film gets used. The director might say, “let’s reshoot the scene with wardrobe B” and then you have a new take with a different outfit.
Simple scenes like that often take a few days of work to dial in just right. Or sometimes it’s done with a single take and everyone feels vaguely off about it until they see the edit.
Israel has a complex relationship with Nazis.
During WW2, the Lehi terrorist organization actually tried to join in the war on the side of the Nazis.
One of the men behind this initiative went onto become prime minister of Israel in the early 1980s.
The Lehi terrorist organization folded into the IDF in 1949.
Now, there was a philosopher who was a member of Lehi, he took Nazi ideology and sort of swapped master race and the undesirable race. God’s chosen people had to be the master race, and the Arabs who lived in on the land were declared to be undesirable.
As a note, the Lehi prime minister was Netanyahu’s political mentor.
I just got my account yesterday.
After signing up the day before.
And I’ll say, having never used TikTok, I don’t actually know how they compare to each other…
Hardness isn’t the best thing to have in armor. In fact, extreme hardness means extreme brittleness.
Tensile strength is more desirable in armor. That’s the sort of strength that a string or rope, or Kevlar will have.
Those can stretch a bit before breaking.
Kevlar will stretch a bit when catching a bullet, this does a few things, but importantly it slows the bullet before stopping it.
So this new material will likely show extreme tensile strength rather than hardness.
Notch was primed for that shit long before Minecraft took off. He posted early builds to 4chan, and was an active shitposter there.
The money just made him stop paying attention to anything else.
I seriously believe that wealth factors into weather or not you’re considered low or high functioning.
Take someone who is low functioning and make them stupidily rich and suddenly they’re treated like they aren’t on the spectrum at all.
Yup, first and foremost, figure out your gameplay loops.
Get that right and you can pretty it all up later.
Engage the core.
The time when they had to upload a virus to the Packlad ship.
Some of it is, especially the peanut butter.
Burger King just hasn’t died yet.
Spouses can move to the village, it’s just that the children never leave.
At least one parent was born in the village.
The thing is, Left vs Right is already a measure of authoritarian vs Democratic.
The original use of the terms comes from the French Revolution. There was a vote on if the King should have an absolute veto over laws passed by the assembly. Those who said no sat to the left of the Speakers podium. Those who said yes sat on the right.
The reason why left and right were applied to economic policy was because Marx described Communism as a form of extreme Democracy. Whereas Capitalism concentrates power into the hands of a select few.
It’s still a measure of where the power rests. In the hands of the people or the hands of the state/leader.
You can break it down to dozens of categories, but it’s all authoritarian vs Democratic in the end.
As a note, Lenin style single party “communism” is about as far from Marx’s ideal as you can get.
Dictators and Kings are all the enemies of the people.
Ah yes, the Noem Chomsky. Famously when he was defending Pol Pot’s regime.
Ah, Cato the Elder. He had a good cheesecake recipe, but was otherwise a complete jackass.
To be fair, every Air Force base had higher than average Reddit usage back in the day. It was one of the few websites not blocked by default. I don’t know when that changed, Because I was out before then.
But yes, there are also the propaganda teams.