Current Device: Pixel 7 Pro
Previous: Galaxy S4, LGG4, S8, S10e.
Got the Pixel because there was a sale plus a really good trade value on the s10e
It’s fine.
Im not a heavy phone user. Im not doing a whole lot of gaming or videos or developing or whatever power users do, and it suits my needs. There are a few things I miss from Samsung, but overall the UI is fine and the battery is normally loads better than anything Ive had in a couple of years.
Ncis episode Tim traced ThE mOsT dAnGeRoUs HaCkEr iN tHe WoRlD to an internal 192.168.something. I do not remember how it was resolved because I was laughing too hard.
(the whole two person keyboard thi g early in the series was an intentional gag, so it doesn’t count)