Movies are not real life!
What is the weird cable on the left?
We’re sick and tired of political opinions masquerading as questions - take it to a political audience - please leave us. This is not the place.
Humans are disgusting
Looks like a plastic surgery ad…
This should be interesting - AI trained by bots…
This is the matrix incarnate.
We managed to overpopulate this ball of dirt almost 2 times sustainability. Now the machine is paying to increase over population.
FORD - fixed or repaired daily
source: boomer…
Watching the dick van dyke show on b&w tv and begging mom to tell me why my dad was on the show (dvdyke doppelgänger) and they why were keeping it a secret from me - Dad was a road salesman and never home when the show was on…
Yea - I’m old…
One has to back up, either when leaving or arriving - some choose to get it out of the way when they park, others when they leave -
To each their own - I like to back in parking & easy quick exit
Cargo pants = man purse…
Mine just show up in nightmares, never in good dreams…
I end up lost in a strange place with unknown people & can’t get a map, txt or call on the phone consumed with malware that looks like game images with no way to exit - I don’t normally play games on my phone.?.
How great is it to be a part of history in the making -
This is Web 3 in its fomenting -
Headlines ~5yrs:
The ending of Web 2 was unceremonious and just ugly. u/spez and moron@musk watched as their social media networks signaled the end of Web 2 and slowly dissolved. Blu bird’s value disintegrated and Reddit’s hopes for IPO did likewise. Twitter and Reddit dissolved into odorous flatulence as centralization fell apart to the world’s benefit. Decentralized/federated social media such as Mastodon and Lemmy made their convoluted progress and led Web 3’s development and growth…
This is how history is made, it’s ugly and convoluted but comes out sweeet…
Finite people cannot create the infinite supernatural eternity of Heaven nor hell