If you’re talking about Marvel Rivals, then it’s not made by a “Western developer”, but NetEase, a Chinese studio…
If you’re talking about Marvel Rivals, then it’s not made by a “Western developer”, but NetEase, a Chinese studio…
This is really weird phrasing that pretends that Israel has no responsibility for their actions.
They chose to do this, they are responsible for what they’ve done.
Clearly they mean that they want the growth to be “sustainable”, not the company…
From the article:
The bad news is that the 6 GHz wireless spectrum uses shorter wavelengths. Short wavelengths are great for fast data transfers at close range, So, they’re great for connecting to your Wi-Fi 7-enabled HDTV a few feet away from your router
With a range that short, you’re not going to be doing much roaming around. It obviously has some use cases, but unless you need to be streaming data it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
The example we are discussing in this thread is transferring data off of a high res/high performance camera. For many situations this can be done after filming is completed, in which case a cord still makes a lot more sense. Hence my joke.
For live broadcasting it could be useful, but the range still seems quite limiting.
And the external wireless data transfer pack can be connected to the camera by a long thin piece of metal. Maybe we could call it a “cord”. And why stop there, it could be disconnected from the camera when you’re not transferring data.
I love that you found this workaround, but arguably that code path should do the admin check, too.
Didn’t a new Hunger Games movie just hit theaters? I assumed most of this stuff was a result of their marketing campaign…
Yeah, wireless Android Auto is great, although I’ve noticed that it’s fairly battery-intensive.
I’ve only used it on rental cars. My own car says that wireless Android Auto is supported, but I’ve never gotten it to work, and I think the on-screen message saying it should work is actually a bug. Probably because they have the same (or very similar) code running on newer versions of my car which do support wireless Android Auto.
So are Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
So are normal Cheetos, for that matter.
That ain’t his first rodeo…
I saw the post yesterday, but didn’t watch the video at the time.
Your comment convinced me to watch it, and, boy, was that more interesting than I expected.
One question remains: what are those gloves they are wearing? I get that it’s something that helps with the rolling technique, but is it just for abrasion/chafing prevention? Or does it do something else?
Which, unfortunately, is far too often. In my recent experience…
Needs more baguette!
Thanks DALL-E
Why is this “news”?
Just don’t go on Xitter and you won’t have these “problems”…
Exiting with a cool ~$9m. Not too shabby.
And since he’s been there since before the IPO, he’s probably done pretty well for himself, regardless.
Who is downvoting this??
Yeah, it seems like it’s getting weirdly stricter, but without good reason. If they keep this up, it’s going to be completely useless.
At least it ignores it’s own warnings sometimes…
For the unaware:
First posted in 2013, I believe…
My favorite flavor as a kid!
Twitter is hot garbage, that’s only gotten worse since Elon took over, but this is really just a problem with government agencies/departments using social media websites as primary avenues of delivering information.