You may attract python too!
You may attract python too!
It’s just recliner theater, I tell ya!
Please run for congress. Now.
There is nothing on that seasonal display barge worth 150 dollary-doos. Or is there? What year is it and what’s the inflation rate?
I’m also mildly concerned about the handcuffs in the top-shelf plastic bin.
"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
I much prefer Dunning-Notice-Krueger. I get a credit collections notice delivered by a guy with a metal-clawed glove. Now with Fedora!
The figure is somewhere above 0%, but certainly not zero. For example, haven’t you seen the crap blaster 9000 infomercial at 2AM on a Tuesday? You connect that bad boy to a fire hydrant (vendor liability disclaimed), pull the turbo-diesel engine rip cord, and wear a full body bio-hazard suit with air supply (suggested). Not for use with some sets. Batteries not included.
Ahh, sweet memories; sometimes they overflow.
You should hear the cries of the memories, right before they are garbage collected. “Wait, I need that!”
“Bring in the logic probe!”
They are referring to the meme about old German toilets having an ‘inspection shelf’ (Flachspüler)
That Vowels table though…
And those are real 'mericun quarter pounders mind you. Not those puny imported quarter kilogramers!
Penis length number in centimeters > inches.
No cause for panic. The letters just got scrambled over the inter-webs: he’s not a convicted felon , he’s a convinced melon. There are many varieties of melons of course, for example watermelons, bitter melons, and musk melons.
I loved your mom, yet she was not mine. I wanted to take that hot item and check her out. I even asked an associate for assistance, yet she was still not mine. C’est la vie.
So I headed to the home improvement section and found contentment with a metallurgically deficient tool.
We all get disappointed when we don’t inherit anything useful…just a garage full of confusion
Inheritance starts to suck > 1 level deep. Multiple inheritance starts to suck at the point people discuss adding it to a language, or a few femtoseconds after the big bang, whichever comes first.
Netanyahu a tragic mishap, deadly strike on Rafah says
You can tell it is fake because no human would tie up the tent door flaps using the little nylon fettuccine thingies they sew onto each side