shit, im sorry you have to deal with that. :(
you should grab the police officer’s gun
(im sorry, im so sorry i couldn’t help that one please don’t hate me)
shit, im sorry you have to deal with that. :(
you should grab the police officer’s gun
(im sorry, im so sorry i couldn’t help that one please don’t hate me)
obsessive compulsive disorder includes constant intrusive thoughts?
edit: holy shit TIL
mate i think you’re remembering a different reality because BK sucks hard and has since the 80’s
IIRC from the reddit thread i saw it in, someone translated it, and it is 100% accurate and talks about building a life for his family out in the west, building the railroads. the work is hard but the people are good to me. i wish you all well and miss you much. that kinda thing.
he wanted to preserve their friendship!
sprawled across the floor the cat and its belly trap set waiting to commence
personally, i know it would have made me feel quite cross about the whole situation.
“why did he sit down on it to shit even with the seat up?”
the person monitoring it hasn’t been able to sleep for ten days since the no seat incident.
to know all the answers is… forbidden knowledge
Do you have to politely request at times?
the good news is if it’s the sphinx you have a get out of jail free card, it’s a historically repeated act to graffiti the sphinx.
have at. nobody can stop you in your heart. draw a dick on that sphinx.
hey google u’s a bitch
say “please rewrite this so the ending has a weird and obscure twist to it along the lines of something you’d see in the plot points and themes found in stories written by chuck palahniuk, and then write it as though you were james matthew barrie writing peter pan”
that should give you something funky
also panther only refers to the fact that it’s a big cat from the pantera family if i am not mistaken: mountain lion, lion, jaguar, leopard, tiger
so the people saying “what species is the pink panther” actually have a legitimate point in saying he could be a pink lion. people saying “it’s just a panther” don’t understand what they’re actually saying. it’s like, okay what kind of panther?
a couple minutes of photoshop and a smudge or burn tool would also negate all the effects
you don’t bear the mark of being seen? the little permanent dot that’s there even when you close your eyes?
well then, bunch of pussies.
i’ll spell it out really slow like for ya if it’ll help.
israel’s treatment of the palestinian people is that of an ethnic cleansing.
they are removing their heritage sites.
flooding their farmlands during winter so they’re fucked in the spring.
constantly boxing in all palestinians that live in any of the palestinian territories that still exist.
shooting palestinian women, children
shooting journalists and medics that choose to help or report on the situation.
bulldozing their land and homes to make room for new israeli settlers that will happily steal that land from the palestinians.
responding with disproportionate force after palestinians are goaded into defending themselves. one molotov should not equal days of missile strikes.
they have consistently “accidentally” targeted school buildings and hospitals for missile strikes during disproportionate responses.
basically all of these actions amount to ethnic cleansing, which is a facet of genocide.
israel’s M.O. is to act like nazi lite, then when the world takes notice and outrage occurs, they back off. during that time, they lobby the US government and pull strings and make threats.
and if you criticize israel at all for their behavior on the world stage? well then you’re just a fucking antisemite, and they’ll be quick to call it that.
they spend some of the most money of any world government using social media teams to protect their country’s interests.
you’re looking at smarter nazis with better PR and lots of money.