I once again come to inform that “the start of winter” changes depending on where you are.
So in you case that is just how it lines up, but where I live the winter starts October 14th.
I once again come to inform that “the start of winter” changes depending on where you are.
So in you case that is just how it lines up, but where I live the winter starts October 14th.
If all the ID consists of, then no it’s not.
As long as the part asking for ID trusts the part verifying the ID, there is no need for anonymity to be broken, since the verifier just has to confirm what the asking part needs to know.
Think of it like someone owns a bar and needs to know if a patron is old enough to drink, and the bar owners brother or best friend says “I know that guy, he is old enough”.
IP addresses.
Their commercial clients are doing things that give IPs bad reputation or banned from services, so they use this service to get access to home IPs to use.
I only read odds and ends
Not necessarily.
It could be something as simple as “oops, someone downloaded a file they shouldn’t have, and now all the systems of the power grid in a quarter of the country has been encrypted by ransomware”
Should be noted that in Norway it is not just for war, but rather any emergency like natural disasters or someone takes out critical infrastructure in a digital attack etc.
You can see all the information that is sent out here: https://www.sikkerhverdag.no/en/
Brave just tries to scam their users for money.
Like when they added “donate to the content creator” links on YouTube and such, then didn’t actually give the money to the content creators.
When I registered an account , I made sure to do so with an instance whose TLD is connected to something that should be around for a couple of billion years more.
Would probably require the sites to use Bank ID during signups from Norway.
Bank ID is a national system for confirming identity.
Everyone who goes from having a lifetime/onetime license to a subscription uses the same excuse: “it’s our users who want us to make more money”
100% this post is getting down voted just because Linus is in the thumbnail, and the people didn’t even bother watching it.
Because if they did, they would have seen that it is a very informative video.
It is relevant though, since the issue of it being animal abuse or not is central to the whole thing.
Is it not animal abuse? Then what has happened in this post is correct.
Is it animal abuse? Then this post shows that the admins will roll over if they get enough push back from a group of users.
No, people are down voting it for being a bad argument, because humans can in fact make the choice not to take those tablets or get those injections.
But these cats that are forced a vegan diet can’t.
Oh sure, they could choose to not eat, and die a bit faster than they would on the vegan food, but no animal will choose to ignore food when they are hungry.
Note that with just pihole you would still be affected by this, since pihole needs an upstream dns server to get it’s data from.
But if you set up pihole with unbound you will be OK, since unbound then will do the job of getting data from the root servers without another upstream dns.
I my experience it is also faster.
And the solution isn’t even hard, since it should be “OK, take one of these FIDO2 tokens we have in stock for cases like this”
Not if the company has disabled sms for mfa as they should have.
So you are saying the countries inviting the IMF can be among those countries that pay the IMF?
So that would be a conflict of interest?
for whatever reason
The reason is probably because LTT hasn’t done anything wrong in this case, as this report shows.
Don’t know about others, but I still have music in both mp3 and flac err I listen to sometimes.
Mostly they are rips off CDs that just aren’t available for streaming anywhere, but also just music I bought as digital before streaming really was a thing.
But like they wrote, that wasn’t known at the time.