Literally the only defining characteristic is how much energy you have after socializing. The rest of this is total bs. I love being social if I’m in the mood, but I’m still an introvert because it wears me out.
Literally the only defining characteristic is how much energy you have after socializing. The rest of this is total bs. I love being social if I’m in the mood, but I’m still an introvert because it wears me out.
I find myself reflexively trying to reload when I’m not even using a gun. Tried to reload a giant sword the other day. Very helpful.
Unfortunately, I don’t, but I can get an exam pretty quickly, I think. My friend/coworker really needs glasses in general and I’ve been bugging her to go, so maybe this is a good way to get her to finally do it, too.
Ugh, I really need to order some glasses. I’m blind as a bat without contacts but I’m also not trying to end up literally blind if the cops break out the tear gas (and Denver PD is still settling lawsuits from the 2020 protests, so I have zero faith in them to not escalate). Didn’t have “buy glasses to protest the rise of fascism” on my 2025 bingo card but I probably should’ve.
It’s chill, we’re all gonna die of cancer from all the microplastics in our brains anyway. Or in Civil War II or something. Whatever.
Yes, but then you have to live in central Wyoming, which is a trade off that’s only worth it for some people
Can’t. Eggs have to be cage free in CO since January 1st. The law passed 2 years ago, so of course egg companies are acting like they couldn’t possibly have prepared for it to take effect. The plus side (for me and like 5 other people) is that this makes the vegan egg alternative seem WAY more reasonably priced these days.
No, they used to be more or less good - they all had slightly different vibes instead of being the exact same thing with different fonts. Okcupid used to publish a lot of fun data and was kind of a middle ground, Match was known for being for more “serious” daters, and plenty of fish tended to be a little trashier - not that there wasn’t plenty of overlap, that was just kind of the reputations they had. You could pay for things but you could also do just fine with free accounts, and the ads focused on how many people had had success with them.
Now they’re all owned by the same company and it shows, and they’ve decided dumbing the experience down to the most superficial stuff and letting bots and people advertising OF or their MLMs take over is fine. I don’t think any of them are worth the time they take to download at this point.
I feel like the next headline is going to be, “AI-Assisted Rifle Robot Shoots Hobbyist by Mistake.”
Well, it’s definitely wrong about lemons. How dare he. Also, how is he eating grapefruit that it’s considered that difficult?
Yeah turns out, “sitting in my room alone playing video games,” isn’t much of an alibi. I should get some hobbies that involve people. Like…multi-player games.
Is there like, prep time? Or do you just have to decide and make it happen on the spot?
Yeah dude, it was some time in 2014. I’m good with that.
Damn, look at this guy going right to the “bending the laws of the universe” boasts.
Or we could put him into a cybertruck and launch them both into space. Seems a lot more efficient.
Oh Eric Adams can fuck all the way off. They all can, tbh, but especially him.
Hmm that might be why I’m fine at my actual job but awful at doing anything productive at home. I told my coworker I needed someone to come “help” me by basically sitting in my living room judging all the laundry piles. Like, just come over and talk shit and redirect me when I get distracted every 12 seconds.
That’s the best part - they’re all bad! I’m lucky I usually stick to government and most use governmentjobs.com, which isn’t perfect but it’s miles better. But when I’ve been looking for a second job or trying to see what’s available in the private sector, I have yet to find a site that isn’t trash.
Indeed has been trash for years, so that tracks. That’s why I’ve only ever used it to figure out who (maybe) has jobs open and then apply directly - they have so much bad information.
I struggle with being social because I’m usually so worn out by work, but my friends are honestly the best - they know I have a couple of hours in me, and they don’t mind at all if I kind of wander off to read or lay down for 20 minutes to recharge. Sometimes they want to do the same thing, sometimes they keep doing whatever we’re doing until I get back.