4.5 million seems like not a very high budget unless it’s only meant to be seed money and release into early access like last epoch.
4.5 million seems like not a very high budget unless it’s only meant to be seed money and release into early access like last epoch.
Moreover, users of the satellite receivers were involuntarily taking part in attacks and might have experienced reduced device performance during these occurrences.
the article isn’t 100% clear, but this line suggested to me that they were being used to perform attacks themselves (although it also states “Allegedly, the functionality was needed to counter the attacks of a competing entity.”)
anyone else remember low orbit ion cannon DDOSing? i guess life imitates art
edit: receivers. doy. reading comprehension is hard.
Eat me, bang me, fill me up with cream. Who gives a shit?
i had to put down my sweet, loving cat suddenly just this week so my heart goes out to you.
well it was sudden for me at least, for her she’d probably been in pain for months from the cancer =/ i’m so grateful i could spend time with her until the very end and it sounds like you’ve made some amazing memories with yours.
if they expect you to do a consultant’s work, they should pay you a consultant rate
It’s strictly for entertainment purposes
you’re so close, if only you’d uncross your eyes it might come a little clearer into focus
If you don’t want to listen to me
what part of replying to everybody who wants a piece of me suggests that i’m participating under duress? lol
thank you, it’s an honor just to be nominated
You must think we’re all incredibly stupid
not everyone, no, but the 10th guy in a row to talk down to me and expect to make a point? i might not think so highly of him.
I’m always down for a sarcastic quip
you took my (hilarious) joke at face value and made a serious effort to admonish me for that literal interpretation and not the blatantly obvious message that when you have nothing to say, it’s ok to say nothing.
that you’re continuing to reply at all suggests that your sarcasm detector could really use routine maintenance. or a warranty replacement.
would a ‘/s’ make things easier for you?
i like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
i understand that you don’t appreciate my tone but i’m afraid i won’t be able to kneecap my natural charm in order to be less intimidating to you.
you’re adorable, but i think we can all agree that making an effort to help other users contribute positively to the platform is itself a positive contribution.
did you know that there’s a button on each comment which is purpose built for you to express this exact sentiment? i’ve provided a helpful diagram:
Because I wasn’t trying to get the best deal
then why are you mad that you didn’t get the best deal?
MKULTRA was the result of Allen Dulles’s hypno kink.
not only did they gut the API for actual people, they carved out exceptions for “low volume users” to keep the bots inflating activity
now they’ve literally stolen from the people who paid to support the site in the first place. absolutely shameless
you mean crosswalks don’t usually end diagonally in the middle of the street?
dibs on owl on a broomstick bike
thanks for comprehending the reading so i don’t have to