Honestly I don’t know much about these things but have been around electrical engineers! I looked up a few things I will admit 🙂
IT nerd and synthesizer player from Ohio. Reddit refugee, here to stay.
Honestly I don’t know much about these things but have been around electrical engineers! I looked up a few things I will admit 🙂
Nope. https://www.ece.rice.edu/~jdw/435/book/ch9.pdf
Related but not the same.
Transformers don’t deal much with resistance though…reluctance I was referring to magnetic reluctance which is the magnetic analog…more applicable to the transformer in this case. Thanks for the interesting exchange 🙃
Nope! Referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_reluctance
It’s just a phase. They will get over their reluctance.
I just want to see the day where as a pedestrian I don’t feel like my retinas are fried every time a car passes at night or has their brights on during the day (ugh). I know it is wishful thinking because apparently politicians don’t give a shit about pedestrians (or cyclists).
I appreciate the randomness and the fact that the polishing cloth is only backwards compatible to the iPhone 5 and iPad 4th gen. No mention of any other devices prior to like 2012 which is kinda funny honestly. It is a polishing cloth. I could use it to dust the display of my Philco Predicta and it would do just fine 😂 (not that I have one…just providing a ridiculous example).
Therapy? I react badly to all ADHD medications so I am not medicated for it. What has helped me the most is working through things with a therapist who also helped me with implementing coping mechanisms. Things like pomodoro method (this got me through college!), organizers at “drop spots,” and learning how to self talk made a huge difference for me. It is not impossible to do well without meds…it is just harder.
I bought a Boox Palma. The screen cracked on the first day. I wholeheartedly do not recommend them as a company as their customer support response is always “not our fault.” A quick google will find others who had the same experience I did.
I am an IT professional. I have had Kindles and Kobos and have NEVER had a screen break on any device. This company needs to be called out and boycotted.
Per the post…Android itself is old, yes…but they never promised security updates…only updates to the firmware. I don’t have a problem with this. Retroid is similar in that their devices are not current android, though not nearly as bad as Boox. It all depends on how you use a device as to if this is really an issue or not.
While this is stereotypically true, my grandparents that passed away 14 years ago were avid gamers. They adored their NES and bought a SNES when the NES died. I think it is worth inquiring with local nursing homes to see if they have anyone that has gaming experience. My grandma’s favorite game was Loopz. Grandpa’s was golf. Puzzle games especially are good for that age group as they keep the brain busy but don’t necessarily require adept fine motor speed like other genres.
100% this. I found the book “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown to be very helpful with mentally working through this. I still feel guilt occasionally but knowing that I am the way I am and that guilt does not provide a productive resolution to the “problem” typically is enough to pull me through.
I believe it is a peanut butter alternative.
Thank you for pointing this out! I was using Memmy because it was first on the App Store but have since switched back to Mlem (which I did beta for). It is a hell of a lot more fresh on features!
I am an IT nerd so I use Linux to learn more about the OS and programming. This was the original reason and still is the reason I keep a Linux machine on hand. Current machine is a dual-boot LG Gram running Windows 11 (wanted to keep the original OS so just shrunk it) and Arch Linux. It runs on Arch 90% of the time. Really only boot the windows partition to use it for work.
My first experience with installing Linux on a hard drive involved wiping the wrong hard drive (my dad’s) and installing on it. Then panicking when Windows 95 didn’t boot up. Thank goodness my dad was understanding lol.
I purchased the bundle and so far have been playing Spring Falls, Pixross, Beglitched, and Shutter Stroll. I am enjoying all of those.
Evade the Eye. Excellent guitar work, good songwriting. Genre: instrumental prog metal
This was an unofficial loaner that was for sale as a used car by the dealer…so they were actively trying to sell it.
I once had a loaner from a dealer that was a Dodge Caliber. Ugly as sin and the transmission was definitely on its way out. That car was just a struggle. It was a reminder why I will never buy a Chrysler product.
Arch. I had some tinkering with other distros in the past but wanted to configure pretty much everything. Running it with Cinnamon. I love pacman and AUR and have been able to not break it so far after a year of being installed which is a new record for me 😂