Just tried it, with a GBA Castlevania game (of course) and it handles beautifully. If this the future of AppStore allowed emulation, I’m a fan.
Just tried it, with a GBA Castlevania game (of course) and it handles beautifully. If this the future of AppStore allowed emulation, I’m a fan.
See, I thought it was mildly infuriating because the images aren’t “many types of airplanes”, they’re only a few types of airplanes repeated at different sizes or different angles.
Aspyr! I was a Mac user in an era that was 95% Windows, and Aspyr brought quality games over to our side of the pond. I remember they ported Alpha Centauri in particular, but there were lots of other ones too.
Also Bungie back in that era—they were Mac-exclusive and putting out the amazing Marathon series. I was heartbroken when I saw the trailer for the new “Marathon” game that looks nothing like the originals.
These things move around. I saw it on Netflix but that was a couple of years ago. I’d start there anyway.
Derry Girls is the first one that comes to mind. It gets heavy once or twice but is generally pretty cozy.
This is probably not a terribly helpful answer, but on the iOS side, there is Apple Arcade, which is a huge library of “free” (aka included with the subscription) games that don’t have any ads or microtransactions. If there’s an Android equivalent, just give her that as her app store. You’d spend a set amount per month and keep her away from the predatory business models.
Yes, rambutans are delicious.
You just blew my mind.
I recently discovered Photopia, a beautiful little text adventure. It’s not long, but it is very clever and uses narrative voice in a really interesting way.
What I liked about Reddit was that it offered the kind of threaded conversations that Usenet used to.
What I still like about Mastodon is that federation lets you find the community that is right for you, the way Usenet used to.
If Lemmy can offer both then as far as I’m concerned it will be the best resurrection of Usenet that I could hope for.
I’m pretty happy with writefreely. I’m currently using it to post a solo journaling RPG I recently completed, and I love the simplicity of the interface. It just gets out of the way and lets you post.
You must play Metal Gear Acid. Metal Gear fans at the time hated it because it was a deckbuilding game and not at all what they were expecting, but it’s brilliant. The sequel is okay but they simplified the deckbuilding so it’s not quite as good.
I occasionally take the bus from NYC to a town in the Finger Lakes, and this is so true. I have been through so many towns that check off every one of these boxes.
To be able to hear the soundtrack. Like, if I walk into a building and hear the Psycho “reep reep!” I’ll get the hell out. But if I walk into that same building and hear “bow chicka bow wow”, I’m staying.
Tabletop Simulator. In 2020 my weekly gaming group couldn’t meet anymore, until we discovered that solution. We still meet in person occasionally but we have been playing every week online. I’m genuinely not sure how I would have gotten through the lockdowns without it.
“Don’t regret. Remember.” From the movie “Portrait of a Lady on Fire.” Changed how I think about a lot of the events in my past. The director said that fans have come up to her and shown her tattoos of that line, so it’s not just me.
“Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K Jerome is hilarious.
That was my reaction too. I haven’t seen it myself but I heard it from a friend who works in food service.
I was in line to buy tickets to a concert. The tickets didn’t cost much, but I was poor, so as I was in line I was wavering back and forth between the cheapest tickets and the second cheapest. When I got to the front I was on the side of the cheapest.
Another person who bought the cheapest was an incredibly cute girl who I met there and ended up dating for several months, and that relationship, after it ended, gave me the confidence to make a move on another girl who I had long been attracted to, and our relationship made me choose the particular job that I chose because it let me move near where she lived.
So if I had been a couple of spaces further back in line, I probably wouldn’t have lived in that state for two years. True story.
Yes please! It’s a brilliant game and I will happily buy an updated version.