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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Me and my roommate in college come from Southeast Asia. I’m of Chinese descent with lighter skin and he is darker skinned, more indicative of Southeast Asian natives ie Indonesia, Thailand, Phillipines.

    We went to college in Texas. While he was out with a bunch of our fellow countrymen, they got stopped because the cops thought they were “behaving suspicious” while driving. But quite obviously it’s because they looked Mexican. While waiting for one cop to search the vehicle, my friend put his hands in his pockets, and the cops immediately had their hands on their pistol holsters. HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM.

    This was before 9/11. We both moved back home and found work here. Being a damn good engineer, he was given a contract job in Texas for a couple years, in the 2010s. He was asked by his bosses if he wanted to stay on for good, but he turned it down. Without elaborating, he told me, THINGS HAD GOTTEN WORSE.

    As for me? Nothing much, just was called a COMMIE and asked where my little red book was. I think now they would shoot me.

  • It’s a tough and punishing game where 100 hours of grind means MAYBE the latest boss won’t KO you in a single hit.

    It has 18 different weapons that each require a 20 minute tutorial from some guy on YouTube, and each requiring 20 hours to master. It’s a “the wand chooses the wizard Harry” and everyone is going to have their own favorite weapon. I myself ended up being a Charge Blade user, which is the most technical weapon in the game. Using it is like performing a Japanese Tea Ceremony whilst battling a 15 foot long alligator in a small room.

    Melee weapons need sharpening mid battle, range weapons need ammo you have to craft before entering battle else you are SOL. Your stamina requires that you eat a large steak every 5 minutes or you will be constantly exhausted.

    There is no twitch. Every action needs to be deliberate. A monster takes minutes of constant fire to stun or paralyze, during which time someone with a large weapon administers the tea he has been brewing. It’s called a Super Amped Elemental Discharge.

    Loot is random but the part you want can only spawn when you damage the proper parts with the proper weapon.

    So what makes me like this game? This kinda gameplay loop means Losing is par for the course. No “git gud” or “skills issue” kids are ever going to play this game. A skilled healer/buffer is treated as a god among men, unlike Overwatch where it’s your fault the team that spread itself all over the map got wiped out.

    Tldr. Playing 100 hours of monster hunter filters the player base down to a group of Zen Monk Masochists that enjoy 2 things.

    1. Spending 40 minutes taking down a 4 winged dragon that farts lightning every 10 seconds.

    2. Each other’s company.

    I hope this makes sense.

  • For earnest reasons? 8bitdo does firmware updates to improve stability and latency, and fix features broken when Xbox, or Nintendo update something on their consoles. All using a stand alone app that just phones home and downloads the latest firmware payload for ALL its controllers without any login.

    EDIT: You don’t even need the app. 8bitdo’s website has all their firmwares available to download and install as and when you need. The app is so dyslexic fools like me don’t accidentally brick something with the wrong payload.

    Microsoft however, may push some bullshit does nothing update simply to make you sign into their app.