How big of a bag?
How big of a bag?
The best part about “AI” image generation is that I can pretend someone didn’t actually make this.
I sure hope so
(@Dan not shitting on you, i just really hate Phillips)
Next logical increment… Gotta say ain’t nothing logical about Phillips/posidrive bullshit,
Robertson drive was around when Henry Ford decided to use Phillips on his cars. Robertson was more expensive to licence the patents(Phillips was cheap cause people thought it was shit)
God damned Nazis fucking everything up(Ford was a Nazi(ish) and a real piece of shit). Maximizing profits over everything else screws everything up as we are seeing right now, but sometimes it doesn’t just fuck up the here and now, but like Phillips, it just keeps fucking everything up for more than 100 years.
“Let’s make a drive that has an angle to it so that it will strip out super easily and destroy the fastener(don’t tell me Phillips is great because it limits torque, it doesn’t without destroying the head so bad you might not be able to remove it)” said no good engineer ever.
Why? Torx is better in every way. If you are going to change, why half ass it to Phillips 2.0
Not at all, next quarter is as far as they ever think.
History is written by those that write stuff down.
Not having a good case will not stop a team of highly paid lawyers from moving forward and forcing the mod team to pay for lawyers as the corporate law team pull every string they can to cause delays and try and wait until the mod team runs out of money to pay lawyers.
Even in jurisdictions that have laws to deal with SLAP suits, you have to come up with the cash upfront to fight the case.
Edit: fixed autocorrect mistake
I got delivery from the restaurant. They do not do deliveries anymore. To ignore the fact that the landscape has changed significantly and just blame the people ordering is to miss a majority of the picture. Turns out life has nuance.
With code and algorithms
Looks like a Toyota Camry
New Mexico was New Mexico long before Mexico was Mexico
This is the way
My understanding is that utes are generally unibodies, but that truck definitely has a frame. Based off the wheels and bed cover, it’s a useless truck driven by a dickhead, but a truck just the same.
Why not 150%. At a bare minimum every single dollar brought in by illegal action deserves to be taken.
Roll tide