The greatest moron in the world.
The greatest moron in the world.
Is this like a math problem?
I call this the “Having so many people with PhDs that you become stupid” effect. PhDs are great, people with PhDs are great, but at some point they all started inhaling their own farts and things started going downhill.
Oh no would it be the fox news ghoul?
She didn’t ask you to murder her
Frankly, this ruined my day. Upvoted.
It’s like REI but with an E
Small piece of tape on one of the 4 exposed USB leads on the connector trick fixes this problem.
So this is how it all ends, isn’t it?
The trick is to only write comments and never read them.
Just got in. Did something happen?
This is why we have Charlie on youtube to destroy these weenies
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Public library jerseys will go through the roof!