We all saw this coming from a mile off.
We all saw this coming from a mile off.
Now I’m a peaceful person, but I can’t deny there’s a slightly disappointing turn a few words into that headline.
It has been known to happen.
Yes, part of the authoritarian playbook is to train the populace to disengage from politics.
Here’s a poster for the party Elon Musk is supporting in Germany. Do we still give him the benefit of the doubt? I don’t see much doubt to be had.
Sorry, too busy genociding.
That was the first one, and then another one a few seconds later. Nothing accidental here.
You know, like that irritating Mr. Hitler.
10% of Russian nukes working fine would still be a catastrophe not worth risking.
This is definitely his getting-blown-by-an-ostrich face.
Which is why Trump will also be working hard to undermine NATO in any way he can.
He has rallied the Christofascists around him with four years to reorganize, has escaped all punishment for his first insurrection, has the support of Putin once again, has the world’s richest Nazi on side and funding him, and is emboldened.
Is this the whole “Nazis were socialists because it’s in the name” thing again? The far right love to pull this point out, ignoring the fact that as soon as he had power, Hitler had anyone remotely socialist in the Nazi party murdered so he could get on with the fascism. The name “National Socialist” was a trick to get people on board. Anyway, it figures that Musk thinks Hitler was too left wing, since Musk thinks the whole universe is too left wing. And it’s characteristic of Musk that being to the right of Hitler doesn’t even give him pause.
Yes, there’s no way I would want to work for the unprofessional and petty Dr. Alok Kashyap of Yatiken Software if I happened to search his name and find this post of his all over the internet.
Well, my boss pays us very badly but regularly reminds us that we are all just one big happy family. These people seem to be everywhere and they have no self-awareness and no imagination about how to live life. And their entire ego is invested in their work, so they’re very touchy.
All while criticizing others for being so venal they want to be able to buy food.
Maybe what I’m doing right now? I mean, it could be.
Hmm, worth thinking about.