You can use the mobile website if you don’t want to install their app. You can also put the tickets in a mobile wallet if you use one.
This is just so you don’t screenshot, share it, and try to double-dip your ticket with a friend.
You can use the mobile website if you don’t want to install their app. You can also put the tickets in a mobile wallet if you use one.
This is just so you don’t screenshot, share it, and try to double-dip your ticket with a friend.
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There is no poverty in Ba Sing Se
Seems like at least one (current Lt. Gov. Of GA, Burt Jones) will have a special prosecutor appointed to investigate separately since Fani Willis was barred from investigating him due to conflicts of interest. Others may just be too small fish to matter or could be working on immunity deals.
I was writing a TLDR and intending to make the point that the author of this article seems to think that it’s Biden’s fault even though I can’t fathom how one might draw that conclusion given the policies the author’s mad about are right wing policies specifically negotiated for by Mitch McConnell due to the filibuster which neutered Biden’s trifecta. Apologies for causing confusion!
TLDR: Biden had the trifecta but still had to negotiate with the right due to the filibuster. Therefore some right wing policies like reducing welfare, SNAP, and unemployment benefits have succeeded post-COVID. This is Biden’s fault and he should feel bad.
Man can literally stack blocks of water and is excited about units being easy to convert. Wild.