• 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2024


  • Tell your boss you’re sorry for leaving early and you have some “stuff” going on at home but that it won’t impact your work schedule anymore. If coworkers bring it up just ominously repeat that you’ve got some “stuff” going on. Maybe you just lost your dog with cancer, they don’t know and probably already assume your reaction was about something more than spelling. Laugh off everything else they might say.

    PS: I have a masters degree and still can’t spell well in English— it doesn’t have a consistent phonetics.

  • Perfectly fine for a boardroom to approve sending a low quality version of their baby formula to countries with low regulations and better quality to countries with more regulations. If the babies want the higher quality kind they should move to a better country!

  • Indeed, this post was inspired by a friend who spends an inordinate amount of time off the clock trying to get charts into just so shape so that claims go through. The exact way they want you to phrase stuff and what tests they need to see in the chart before approval changes regularly so practices basically have to hire a dedicated staff to keep up and let the doctors know about changes. Also results in small practices being driven out of business.

  • I just finished digging into this so you don’t have to— his actual research article is the former (out of a cohort of 1200 people some scored higher on a test and after studying their brainMRIs there are some consistent differences).

    The title and the stats about how much reading has declined in the UK from the conversation article seem to be just fluff for interest. The amount people read wasn’t a subject of the research (and wasn’t mentioned). I think the author was just trying to make his work more relatable but framing the article this way was a bad call imo.

  • [Partisan] americans also like to wave off the roughly 1/3 of eligible voters who don’t vote at all as if they just forgot or were too lazy to vote or something. A lot of people are disillusioned with the whole thing, but the partisans are the loudest and the media mostly cares about them so it makes it sound like it’s 50/50.

    According to the latest gallup data about 27% identify with each of the two major parties and about 43% as independent (of major parties).