There’s like a $10 app called super display that will turn any android device into a touch monitor, pair that with one of those precision styluses with the plastic disc on the end, you got a ~$20 dollar drawing tablet!
There’s like a $10 app called super display that will turn any android device into a touch monitor, pair that with one of those precision styluses with the plastic disc on the end, you got a ~$20 dollar drawing tablet!
I think you’re missing the idea a little. Yeah its not the biggest problem, but these guys don’t just suggest Linux, the people that just say they prefer it in context and to look into it are fine.
Its the high schoolers and early cs major - types who heard someone else suggest it, and now they’ve made it their entire personality and are physically incapable of refraining from going off about how much better Linux is than windows, while not particularly understanding what they’re even doing.
Example: When I started my programming degree there was one high school kid taking the courses, ANY time someone had an error with their IDE he would go off about how Linux doesn’t have any issues.
And then when the group went to go play games together, he’d attach himself to the party and spend like 20+ minutes crying about how the game didn’t run well cause devs only dev for windows while he struggled with his wine setup.
In a perfect world, AI would be a supplementary tool that allows small-time players to participate in their field at similar levels to the corporations.
In the current world, AI is coming for EVERY job, eventually. You would think that means nobody has to work, but it will most likely mean nobody is ALLOWED to work.
“Ill give you five stars if you inject a little money into the economy!”
Corpos: … >:(
Do you really want an adversary that can potentionally disable a large portion of your populations computers in one fell swoop?
Just saw a Netflix movie about this a month or so back. Obviously the writing was a little embellished, but it was fucking terrifying to imagine something like that happening on a real scale.
There is a chance that it has something to do with the Xbox app, maybe
I just mentioned the other day how scary that is if a third party can crack it and just got blasted about how Microsoft wouldn’t put an OS out with vulnerabilities like that lmao
Skepticism is the literal precursor to the scientific method, and that’s where you’re stopping. There is no science at the skepticism step.
You’re basically saying, “Gravity isn’t real because I don’t see proof.”
A real scientist would drop an apple, a feather, a bowling ball, and verify it.
I find it particularly funny to call it X(formerly twitter) every time I have to mention it.
Also kind of love how Dubious X is as a name cause I always think it’s a porn site before my brain clicks
The Corp is giving you the bare minimum they are legally required to give you, so you should do the same. This means clocking out at 5 sharp, and not picking up extra responsibilities without a pay increase.
But it also means you still have to put in the minimum required, show up on time, do all of the work. But keep in mind the Corp is the enemy here, not your coworkers. Don’t leave them waiting on you for a deadline if you can bust it out in a few minutes
Job keeps me fed, housed, sane, and puts some fun money in my pocket. The second it fails at any one of those, start looking.
Would love to if my favorite games weren’t all EAC locked on linux
Yeah exactly, so strip the layers from this bullshit onion and don’t let him have any excuses.