“Look, I’m not not a woman wearing a skirt, but I am a parent, so what do expect me to do, eh!” – Some childless dude (probably)
“Look, I’m not not a woman wearing a skirt, but I am a parent, so what do expect me to do, eh!” – Some childless dude (probably)
Your whole argument is based on the assumption they’ve been there for just a few minutes to load their trunk. This is just plain speculation, you don’t know that. If you need to load, just park the way you’re supposed to. I think (European) Humanity will understand you’re an asshole if you park like that.
A quick glance at the picture would show you they’re simply not parking the way they’re supposed to.
This is somewhere in Europe, most likely Germany (or reasonably close regarding driving license requirements). Most people park forwards, it’s not unsafe. People (generally speaking) know how to park without endangering others.
So you didn’t bother reading the article