I appreciate the warning as it readily admits the majority of the content is boring enough to make you want to scroll away.
I appreciate the warning as it readily admits the majority of the content is boring enough to make you want to scroll away.
Lemmy is too small to be a worthwhile target for musk-like campaigns. It’s usually just people escaping their echo chambers to get their rage fix. If you’re able to think for yourself, there’s really no negative impact and scrolling past is a great solution.
I’d say that’s on you, there’s more places to not be found than there are discoverable locations on the earth. Proper planning prevents poor performance and all that.
Anyone can already euthanize themselves. We’re all just a helium or nitrogen tank and trash bags away from our exit stage right.
I never knew B&T to say that phrase. Their faves were always “Party on, dudes” and the like.
I’m pretty sure Wayne’s World skit on SNL in the mid 80’s is where the phrase was born.
Ah, a change.org petition . I eagerly await the sweeping improvements to life abroad.
3.5 GB disk space required? I’ll just look out the window, thanks.
Not even with someone else’s dick.
I wouldn’t go anywhen. My dissatisfaction is intrinsic and the year is irrelevant.
or… is it?
It sank in 1912. Length of time is relative.
The statement is completely age dependent. Not too long ago(before the movie), it was pretty newsworthy any time the next group reported that they were trying to find it.
What a great ad.
Which is why I said “linux as a whole”. Many distros will try to undo the nerdery and neckbeardism that is built into the parent distros but as a whole, linux is going to always be less welcoming to a new user than someone that’s used to useless warnings and repeated password entries for elevated privileges. Being safer and being new-user-friendly rarely go hand in hand.
Yes but surely you’re aware that even the most new-user-friendly distros and their tools aren’t necessarily aimed at new users.
That warning is a perfect example of how Linux developers choose which hill to die on. They post a warning for an app that everyone knows can deliver bad times to two camps of users; those that know and don’t care and those that don’t understand the warning. If we could quantify the helpfulness of that warning, odds are that it saved 0 users from malicious action from that avenue of attack.
Never expect Linux as a whole to be “helpful” to the new crowd.
Schadenfreude intensifies.
It’s less than .05% of his worth. It’s like us dropping pocket change in the Red Cross bucket and he’ll make more than that in profit from changes the bribe paid for from the great cheetoh.