Might be using a laptop where the RAM is soldered to the board. I’ve got a Thinkpad X280 that’s like that: no slots, just surface-mounted RAM.
Just a 'lil guy on the web. Also on Mastodon: @sundray@mastodon.social
Might be using a laptop where the RAM is soldered to the board. I’ve got a Thinkpad X280 that’s like that: no slots, just surface-mounted RAM.
Well this joke made a splash!
The laws of robotics:
“This text was proofread by cat, and may not be completely accurate. Especially where baths and treats are concerned.”
But I’ve heard it B4…
“Extinction of humanity, eh? Hmm… how can I make money off that?” – Some CEO, Probably
LOTR memes would understand.
No, I can’t make it to the battle today.
“Your team has captured the hill.”
Plain chicken is so dry tho.
I think it’s adorable
Meanwhile, 1000 miles away
*Target acquired*
When thrill seekers get eepy.
Oh I hope this is true.
Oof. I think we might need to keep tabs on you!
Oh wow, I just saw the comment about it being an ancient Atom. Yeah, fair enough!