The character’s name is Patrick.
The character’s name is Patrick.
His character on Deep Space 9 infiltrates the space station by impersonating an admiral. He does this by saying the following phrase anytime someone asks him a question: “That’s a stupid question”. Because he’s wearing an admiral uniform he gets away with his rudeness and the subordinates just let him infiltrate the station.
Block that bot user?
That’s a stupid question. ;)
Edit: Anyone downvoting this should be ashamed. It’s a reference to his username.
My philosophy is tolerance except that I’m intolerant of the intolerant.
Nazis don’t deserve any kindness or tolerance for their philosophy because the basic tenets of nazism are extermination of others. You can’t let that take root in any society or everyone will eventually suffer.
Also when the impactor that hit us to form the moon melted the surface of the planet I bet it was pretty toasty.
No, we don’t. Just buy a damn bunch of bananas and skip the added plastic.
Didn’t realize I wanted that until you said it. Maybe have them on a shuttle trip back to earth for a holiday. The two of them in a shuttle for a week would be hilarious. Imagine “Shuttlepod One” with those two.
>Clap. Clap. Clap.
Sean Aloysius O’Brien would be proud.
“Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?”
Money and greed holding us back and ruining everything as always.
You met Janeway? Was it at a con? I’m legit jealous as I would love to meet her and Jeri Ryan.
Officials have not said what the dispute between the landlord or tenant was, or if the landlord is facing charges.
The landlord, whom the post title is referencing, hasn’t been arrested. (according to this article)
What if you have ferengi ears?
What’s wrong with just saying hi? They’re friendly people and are happy to meet someone new.
Let’s answer the real questions here.
What should we call this relationship? Chock? Spapel?
They already did that with B’Elanna. Why retread old ground?
We’re going to end up like that society in Star Trek that worships a computer.
His display name is Admiral Patrick. Same as the character.