There’s more than one article about this?!
At least this one actually calls out the fact that this is a nothing story.
There’s more than one article about this?!
At least this one actually calls out the fact that this is a nothing story.
Lots of vendors set their prices algorithmically… So like when competitors raise their prices or demand seems high for some reason or something, the price will auto-adjust to theoretically maximize profits. The algorithms are often pretty dumb.
So sometimes when you see something like this, you’re witnessing a dynamic pricing algorithm spiraling out of control because it wasn’t implemented very well, and nobody’s paying attention.
OONI monitors internet censorship and other forms of network interference, especially by state actors, worldwide. It’s an important contributor to digital rights and freedoms IMO, and you can run their client in the background to contribute non-personal data on pretty much any device.
No, no, you’re thinking of a manifold. A manosphere is an orb that keeps track of how much spellcasting energy you have left, next to your healthsphere.
When they send over these time travelers, they’re not sending their best…
Lol why is Aqua Net hairspray specifically the thing that takes them down? Like other brands of hairspray don’t work? Spray paint or Elmer’s glue or maple syrup aren’t effective? You can’t just throw a bedsheet over them or hit them with a crowbar?
Also MMA doesn’t have anything to do with being staged.
It’s an algorithm that records its progress and any errors to a text file.
It’s getting so hard to find outrelevant results these days.
It’s just any time there’s that much excitement, it must be no good, you know?
I didn’t actually realize that he didn’t say “metric fuckton” until I saw your comment and went back to reread it.
Well yes it needs to be inaugurated first, which will not happen until January.
Mostly stuff with beans.
I cast Pass Without Trace
Can we sync on that real quick? I think we can ideate on some quick wins for your allergy that’ll get you unblocked.
How did you explain how McDobalds knows when you’re broke or in a hurry?
And if you don’t like one color, there’s a wide palette to choose from.
It’s just less visible/explicit. It’s still bad press when it gets noticed and called out like in this thread, it’s just sneakier.
Oh interesting-- Yeah gaming the recommendation/search algorithms is another, related explanation. Like I know someone with an Etsy store who says that various things, like running out of stock or putting your store in “vacation mode” will hurt your store’s visibility, so people find ways to game it. Totally makes sense that the same kind of thing would be going on on Amazon.
Weird that they’d allocate ad spend at the same time that they were out of stock, but like I said, the algorithms are pretty coarse and probably just not that coordinated.