I’m with the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus stans, but I’d be curious how your emulation handles the light effects. PCSX2 struggles in my experience.
I am an electric meat robot.
I’m with the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus stans, but I’d be curious how your emulation handles the light effects. PCSX2 struggles in my experience.
The way it’s meant to be played.
I’m thinkin “Thickachu”
Meeting James Doohan at a Radio Shack and John DeLancie at a convention, both in my hometown.
Finishing both TNG and DS9 as an adult, having grown up with them but not getting the whole picture until I was truly ready for it.
Getting my wife into LD and SNW, and us both being grateful that they’re so feckin good.
Also, giving The Orville a try and realizing that it’s a worthy contender.
So fluffy! So pretty! Probably also so ornery!
I see three cats in this photo.
Heal from this:
Make it to here:
Must’ve been Joe’s inspiration for Bruce in the Dungeons of Drakkenheim campaign.
Vamb Lindaloo
The jump from mono to stereo made a lot of engineers’ heads spin. Then again, how many 100% perfect 5.1 albums have you heard?
Actually, I’ve listened to only three 5.1 remixes, all of them phenomenal albums to begin with, and their 5.1 jobs were pretty meh. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots came out pretty good, but mainly because they just fucked around and tried stuff.
A white-knuckle shootout in a sandblasted derelict office building set to “Glasgow Mega-Snake” by Mogwai was a simultaneously pleasant and harrowing surprise.
π million dollars and perfectly nutritious chocolate.
The original THX Deep Note was the bad kind of dissonant for my little brain growing up. Even the THUD parody version from the Tiny Toons “movie” gave me the creeps.
Don’t listen to them, we’re rooting for you!
Cherenkov radiation: No RG, only B!
Now at bat: #4, Sleve McDichael!
I swear it’s either Shirmp or Shinnp.
Dimension 20 basically did this with Escape From the Bloodkeep and it was, as usual, fantastic.