This man is a hero, everyone spewing hate at him needs to take a long hard look at their life.
This man is a hero, everyone spewing hate at him needs to take a long hard look at their life.
Couldn’t you use immich for this?
Hold up a minute, you are putting words in my mouth. I’m not even making any claims in my comment about how many Stalin killed or that he acted alone. Only the historically accurate fact that he is responsible for a significant amount of death and suffering, and that statistically it is impossible that everyone persecuted by the (Stalin lead) soviet government was innocent. You can argue numbers and western perception all you want but it is a historical fact that Stalin had the blood of innocent people on his hands, as many world leaders throughout history have had (including most if not all us presidents). Even if your claims are true it still doesn’t invalidate my point.
It’s not a double standard though. Killing one person who was objectively profiting off of the lives and suffering of millions of people is very different than killing/imprisoning anyone who disagrees with you.
That’s an untapped market!
Unless it plays Xbox AND PC games I’m not even the slightest bit interested. Even then I’d still probably prefer the steam deck or whatever iteration of it exists in however many years.
Well they certainly won’t win, but I feel like they will try at some point.
So they’ve already embraced and now they’re extending. Give it a bit more time and they will start to eliminate.
Naw, they’re too big to be real.
Yea looking at the picture its definitely already been processed by a video switcher and who knows what else and probably has the right aspect ratio in the broadcast production truck, you can tell because the graphics are squished in the same way as the video. That means its either the truck engineer or master control accidentally squishing it after the fact somehow.
It’s not private if it requires a Google account to use the feature. Edit: apparently you do not need a google account to use the feature, if so then I just hope it makes it into AOSP so we can use it on custom roms.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo&pp=ygUZY2dwIGdyZXkgdHdvIHBhcnR5IHN5c3RlbQ%3D%3D This, plus we also have this thing called the electoral college that makes the problem even worse.
That actually makes it funnier to me because ananas would be easier to pronounce in Japanese vs pineapple. Ananansu(u is silent) vs Painappuru.
not sure if it counts as a command, but i use the up arrow to scroll through previous commands like, almost every time I open a terminal.
The meme is literally correct. when you make an audio file into an mp3, it takes some of the sonic information that our brains are bad at noticing and just…completely removes it(to save storage space). if it’s a high quallity mp3 its essentially completely unnoticable. That’s why it’s psychoacoustic, it uses psychology to fool your brain into thinking it sounds better than it does, litterally.
Psycoachoustic is basically just a big word for taking into account how our brains deal with what we hear.
Also I’m not saying mp3 is bad, in fact I think the opposite is true. I think it’s good to think of it like being the .JPG of audio, you’re not getting the original quallity and that’s the point and unless you need to do manipulate that audio file and its a reasonable quallity then you likely won’t notice the difference.
Ogg vorbis (.ogg) is a better codec though IMO.
*edited for spelling and grammers
Let’s all hope the publisher doesnt fire the whole damn studio right before launch like is apparently common these days.
Cool, a pic from the dub stage!
Well, theres “working” and theres “working well”. Capitalism is not working so well anymore and its likely going to work worse as time goes on. more things will become automated, wealth inequality (and therefore a gap in political power) will grow, and companies will keep expecting increased growth in a world of limited(and in some cases, decreasing) resources. Capitalism currently “works” in the sense that its making resources move around, but thats about all its doing for regular, non rich, non well off people(and often is not doing even that much for them). It’s simply not sustainable when unregulated, thats why we need a well regulated economy.
If you don’t mind waiting a while for whatever it is you’re buying, ali-express isn’t too bad. If you’re near a city and it’s not too specialized of a thing you need you can probably find it at a a brick and mortar store.