Wait what’s happened in New York?
Wait what’s happened in New York?
This Israeli propaganda belongs somewhere other than Lemmy. There’s no greater diplomatic crisis between Israel and Ireland than there is with any of the other countries that have recognised Palestine’s statehood, it’s just that Ireland is small economy, and home to a lot of American tech giants, so (Israel thinks) might be easier to push around. Good luck with that.
I mean, it’s almost the entire service and retail economy. Shout out to the driver of the truck that did the delivery to the supermarket of the turkey you’ll poop out the next day. We owe everything to everyone.
Merry Christmas and may your next poop be a blessed one.
Zombie Jesus will surely forgive us
“fanfic” absolutely sent me. That’s exactly what it is. Stealing!
“Take this and eat it” works in either context.
As you wish, you piece of shit.
How good are vandals though
Whoof I absolutely could not get into nbcnews without disabling my ad blocker. Guess I’m not visiting them any more :/
Edit: thank goodness for autotldr! ❤️
And this only just after they enabled a whole raft of add-ons in their mobile browser that have already stripped away so much shit from my daily browsing experience.
I switched last year when Google entered their new phase of ad tracker evil and I bet I wasn’t the only one. Feels to me like Firefox fucked with the money and they’re being brought to heel.
Séamas gave us of the funniest story threads I’ve ever read on that cursed site: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/992006545473966082.html
Doo doo da doo doo doo
You seem upset.
In their defence, it was a relatively small investment of only $19m. I guess the story is that this must be an indication of how other, larger, investors might also be looking at X.
They are suddenly everywhere in Australia, I can tell you that much.
It’s definitely larger than I’d like but damned if the manufacturers haven’t heard our demands and realised that, once again, compactness is a premium feature. You can get an itty bitty iPhone or S23 but fuck all in the mid range. Thanks again, The Market!
I was fully expecting sapnu puas, what a wholesome surprise!
A Place For My Head by Linkin Park. Not all the time, but when it’s bad it’s bad.