> Rent increases to compensate for tax hike
> Surprised_Pikachu.jpg
> Rent increases to compensate for tax hike
> Surprised_Pikachu.jpg
DDG’s bangs actually use the site’s own search feature though, rather than narrowing the search engine’s results to a given site.
Accidental turbo-dementia
I’ve run plain ol’ openbox without a desktop environment on top of it, and it’s quite nice. IIRC I also had a standalone status bar application, but I can’t remember which one I used.
There are a couple utility programs (obconf and obkey?) that help to configure everything comfortably.
I’m not saying I agree with it, but it kind of makes sense in a roundabout way. If you’re resolving domain names and routing traffic to those domains, rather than simply routing traffic, then you’re providing a more complete service.
I’d equate it to a phone company that includes a human operator as part of the service bundle, as opposed to you having to dial the numbers manually.
Why not? If you feed the entirety of a given IP (say, every frame in every Star Wars film or show), you could train an AI to produce imagery derived exclusively from copyrighted material.
Based, mostly
Yeah, that title triggered an immediate and involuntary eye roll.
You’d be surprised how inept some people can be. Back when I worked in defense, we heard a story about a guy who, while preparing to exfiltrate sensitive data, named the file “data_to_exfiltrate.zip”. What a moron.
Oh lol, I thought I recognized the username. Nice work on OpenRGB! I used it for a couple years, but now my desktop has since been converted into a server chassis, so I’ve killed off all of the lighting.
Still runs great on my girlfriend’s desktop though!
And even then, a properly configured SSHD instance wouldn’t really benefit from a firewall, unless you wanted to block all countries besides your own or something.
Every computer has a bunch of ports (1-65535 if I recall correctly), each of which is a unique entity to which a single service can bind. In layman’s terms, a port is a door that one service is able to answer when someone knocks. By convention, some ports have a specific associated service (80 = HTTP, 443 = HTTPS, 22 = SSH), but there are a lot that you can just use as you deem appropriate.
If you want a service (e.g. a web server) to be accessible, you have to run a service that binds to a known port (e.g. 80), and a client has to reach out to your server on that same port. A firewall sits between your service(s) and any potential clients, much like those steel security screen doors. If that’s closed, nobody gets through on that port, even if a service is bound to that port and is listening for a connection.
As a general rule of thumb, you want your firewall to block as much traffic as possible without breaking something (I.e. blocking one of your public-facing services). If you don’t run any services on your computer (web services, media servers, etc.), you can probably get away with blocking all inbound traffic. without any discernable impact.
We did this for my girlfriend’s dog, and he had uncontrollable diarrhea for a couple days after we added a bit to his usual food.
I’m not saying it won’t work, but your mileage may vary in unexpected ways.
Khal looks promising:
It’s always fun to see how people respond when they discover that some users on this site don’t automatically conform to the community-mandated opinions.
Oh man, this guy doesn’t want to crucify Elon like the rest of us. Let’s dig through his profile like a teenage girl trying to learn about her high school crush.
I’m flattered, really.
Well I’m not particularly fond of us giving away free shit on the taxpayer’s dime either.
interfered with Ukraine defense operations
He stopped giving them shit for free
It really depends on the severity of the infringement and whether it continues after being told to stop.
It’s expensive because of the concentration of wealth, not the quality of the area. There’s a ton of crime, homelessness, car break ins, etc.
People often leave their car doors unlocked or their windows down to prevent their windows from being broken, but instead they find random people sleeping in their cars.
On the plus side, the weather there is quite nice.
Maybe I misinterpreted your original comment. Are you suggesting a that the taxes increase by 10% of the going rate (e.g. 5% -> 5.5%?), or the taxes increase by 10% of the property value (e.g. 5% -> 15%)?
If it’s the latter, then that makes more sense. That would be unsustainable for a landlord, because no way in hell can someone pull an extra 50k out of their ass each year on a 500k home.