Pretty sure the term solified itself after the 1968 Prague spring, when most communists condemned or remained silent and ashamed of the Soviet/Warsaw pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the ones supporting the violence became the Stalinist minority? At least that’s when our major communist split happened afaik.
So, communists in practice.
“And if the workers oppose the state you should run them down with tanks” - Marx probably
It’s all in Critique of the Gotha program, On Authority, and a random essay from a guy you’ve never heard about but I assure you is very important.
Pretty sure the term solified itself after the 1968 Prague spring, when most communists condemned or remained silent and ashamed of the Soviet/Warsaw pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the ones supporting the violence became the Stalinist minority? At least that’s when our major communist split happened afaik.