23 year old Irish non binary satanist

  • 274 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


The way you just casually discuss cuckolding people. It’s like the banality of evil as they called it or in this case the banality of cucking

To prevent the all powerful cum tsunami from wiping us all out

Wtf. Why didn’t you mention the cringe lord emperor striker?!

Edit: using my mod powers to get attention.

Sir. Let me get this straight. You’re sating that that stealing candy from a baby is an easy thing to do like stealing candy from a baby?

Nah. You see I stay in my room 23 and a half hours a day. What I would prefer is if they could be Lured to my room and then I say the thing and then we plow. Like your plan is good but I dunno. At a minimum, how long would this plan require me to be outside of my room for?

That’s because it was part of a scrapped movie in the franchise. It wad going to be called Shrek’s choice with Shrek being played by Meryl Streep

Your uncle sound like a well cultured man

But the unprocessed Salami will suck my dick. So

Do you think she would have lived longer if she smoked more?

Did she live to be a 110 years old

Advertising, yes but in this case I’ll allow it

I didn’t know that. I’ve only known them for like the last couple of years. Granted, in 2013 I wasn’t on the Internet yet.

I love the Poland balls.

This thread has been so weird for me because apparently something I’ve always done without ever giving any thought to is weird to people. I don’t give a fuck. It’s all in jest, anyways.

Come on dude. Don’t tell me you’ve never drunk milk as an adult. Be honest lmfao

No it doesn’t. Milk can stay cold for ages. Like I would have any meal gone within 10 minutes.

They weren’t biologically made to drink alcohol or eat big macs their whole lives either yet here you are.

Me? I can’t understand why this is such a weird thing to you people.

I just like having milk with every meal. I don’t like water and having dinner with a fizzy drink is just wrong.

I mean, I just annoyed that milk isn’t even an option in a lot of restaurants. It’s something so basic, like.

Why are you pooping on the dog

Thanks for that mental imagery Jordan

Bull fucking shit. As if they wouldn’t also listen to Boris

Walter san. I twidles fingers nervously d…don’t want go cook. I say in a meak drawn out whimper while staring down at my shoes in fear

I did break my streak in Greek lessons today…so do you think Duolingo has hired Alvin and the Chipmunks to kill me?! 😧

This meme is inaccurate. The college grad wouldn’t be in the office with them because they already promised the CEOs son the job.

Can I be notorious Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie? I figured that since this is role-play that we could be imaginative and add new characters

He is owning the libs by drinking milk. Don’t you know how leftists are trying to get milk banned? As a leftist this post made me so angry that spontaneously combusted and now I am dead/s

I think they just have a really, really weird sense of humour

Yes. You are clearly someone that needs parental supervision.

Oh. You again. Why are you acting like a 10 year old that’s been introduced to crack?

Like seriously though. Why did you do this?

And aren’t you incredibly sad now that striker has died? You will never know if you would of gotten a better one eventually. It’s just too sad 😭

It's something I've seen slowly starting to emerge over the course of the last year or so. Maybe even longer. There's accounts that post stories to designed to shock people into thinking India is a terrible place. Like I get it. India does have issues. And it does have issues with sexual violence as well. But its a shame those conversations seemingly cannot be had without resorting to racism. I hope this site us different.