It’s Sunday somewhere already so why wait?
Let us know what you set up lately, what kind of problems you currently think about or are running into, what new device you added to your homelab or what interesting service or article you found.
I’ll post my ongoing things later/tomorrow but I didn’t want to forget the post again.
Half finished projects
Same as it ever was.
Same as it ever was.
OpenWRT on a new router. The wifi works better, ethernet works up to 980Mbit/s and I don’t have all my traffic routed trough a Huawei device.
And it allows you to configure everything.
Running opnsense here and just plain having my own firewall is the coolest thing.
I need to switch to OPN. Was on pfSense Plus until they csncelled the free licenses so I finally “downgraded” to pfSense CE and now I’m finding it hasn’t been updated in 2+ years and I’m really missing having DHCP hostnames being added to local DNS automatically.
Like mDNS?
I’d score openwrt as a perfect 5/7
What router did you use?
Linksys MR7360. I just got official support, so i had to install a snapshot and manually install luci.
Why this one? Because it was 50% off due to a local shop closing. Last one on the shelf too.
i just transitioned from a dedicated pfsense machine to openwrt LXC container in proxmox machine
the idea is to have 2 or more openwrt instances in different proxmox machines for some HA routing to my self hosted subnet(s)
going well so far and i think i know a lot more about routing (ha). openwrt is pretty great though.
ps. i think i’m having issues with udp port forwarding but not sure
A couple of days ago, after testing it myself for a few months to make sure I understood how everything works, I made the switch to NextCloud Calendar, and will no longer use Google Calendar.
This is the best part though… I somehow convinced my wife to do the same. She let me install the NextCloud app(optional for Calendar stuff but makes the setup easier) and DAVx5 on her phone (both from F-Droid, so DAVx5 was free). I exported and imported her calendar, and made sure the notifications were set up to her preferred default.
It’s multiple days later, and she hasn’t complained!
I’ve also moved all of my contacts over to NextCloud, but have yet to coerce my spouse to do the same.
This sounds good, the partner acceptance factor is always one of the biggest struggles. Technology is easy :D
Which calendar client did you use?
I thought the switch to nextcloud calendar was going to be simple, but davx is … Not a clean-cut app.
- Did you find a way to sync from device to NC?
- Were you able to merge Google’s dumb export of 3 calendars?
I’ve been using Fossify Calendar for a while now and it’s been pretty great. I moved to it after the whole Simple apps getting sold drama when it happened.
In a web browser I use the NextCloud one. It’s functionally very similar to Google and I like it a lot.
For our Android phones, my wife uses the Google Calendar app, and I like Business Calendar Pro.
Both apps you just have to go into the settings once DAVx5 has done the initial sync and uncheck all of the Google calendars so they aren’t shown, and check the boxes next to the new Calendars.
Exporting and Importing I could only really easily do via the web browser for both.
Sorry to pester you, but I’m confused: my google calendar app does not allow removing the original google calendar. How were you able to do so?
And both of your installs can sync from device to NC? I have not been able to get around this… Only one-way sync from NC to davx to 3rd party android calendar.
The Google account is still there, I’ve just hidden each of those calendars. New events seem to default to whichever calendar you used last (citation needed) so once you’ve created an event under the NextCloud account, it should default to that. The app I use (Business Calendar Pro) doesn’t even give the option if a particular calendar is disabled.
As far as DAVx5, the default is to only sync every 4 hours. Phone to NC is instant (once DAVx sees the change), but NC to Phone has a delay. However!..
I just set up the ntfy app to create instant two way sync both ways. It’s pretty slick. Dig around in the DAVx5 documentation about how that works. You install the DAV Push app on the NC server, ntfy on your phone, enable UnifiedPush in the DAVx settings, do a little dance, and then NC notifies DAVx every time there’s a change.
Edit: you can also delete calendars from Google Calendar settings on the web, but this is obviously permanent. I think you can also totally remove Calendar from your account.
Edit2: You can’t remove calendar from your account, only delete individual calendars.
Thank you for replies, I’m grateful.
I’m 3 time zones away from my server and it hasn’t crashed yet after being gone for 3 days. I’m very proud of it.
I feel you. I did not expect mine to crash but I am in Japan and streamed a movie from my server on the West coast of North America.
That’s such a nice feeling
The absolute bliss
Same with me when I was in Brazil, it was chugging along just fine back in New England
My job let me buy a bunch of Pis to set up a cluster for a demo so I’m having a lot of fun
It’s for a streaming service.
Does this service provide the proper end point for the stream?
What kind of cluster, kubernetes?
Nothing so fancy. Just some postgres machines to show off different recovery modes
Cool enough!
Helle there ! It’s still Saturday here :p !
I recently setup weechat (IRC) and learned about bouncers. From what I understand it’s similar to a proxy but with backlogging IRC conversation. I’m still new to it and have a lot a new things to learn.
I’m thinking to self-host my personal bouncer on some cheap VPS.
Other than that was busy with encoding with av1an and encode my bluray library to AV1 codec :).
I also recently self-hosted metube (yt-dlp web frontend) to download some music from RiMusic. Still need to work on a shortcut with HTTPS shortcut on Android !
I thought WeeChat is the Chinese everything app?
The Chinese app is called WeChat.
That’s wechat, and this confusion made it really difficult to find the right info on the web… Most search results were linking to the Chinese thing, uhhg !
I have recently setup my paperless-ngx instance and have uploaded all my scanned documents. Now I have to tag all that stuff which seems like a lot of work. So I’m looking into paperless-ai… 🧞
(pre ai) I found that adding a few, tagging them correctly and then adding the rest worked pretty good with auto tagging. Don’t know how much of a difference paperless-ai is going to make but it sounds interesting. I would just make sure to only plug in a selfhosted thing
Paperless-AI is fantastic. I had 750 untagged documents (all my physical mail since 2017). Paperless-AI processed all of them using a local Ollama installation, tagged them, created correspondants and a title for each document. So much work I didn’t have to do… 😍
Crazy enough, I have everything going that I want to on my server!
- *arr suite and jellyfin
- traefik reverse proxy with crowdsec + bouncer for some sites (e.g. not documents or media)
- paperless-ngx for documents
- immich for photos
- leantime to manage personal projects
- Book stack for a personal wiki
- calibre-web for my library
- syncthing for file and music syncing so I don’t have to stream music
- valheim server for me and my friends
- boinc for turning my server to a productive heater in the winter
- home assistant for my in-renovation smart home
As far as my server goes, I have everything I need. Maybe setting up something for sharing files over the web if needed. I used nextcloud for that before it killed itself completely and I realized I never really needed it.
Next is working on my smart home because we had to fully strip the house to renovate. KNX first, zwave for things that KNX doesn’t have or are crazy expensive, ESPHome for everything that the other two can’t accomplish. Minimal 2.4GHz interference and don’t have to rely as much as possible on flaky wireless in a brick house.
If hardware service counts. :) I have been fighting for the last few months with my Promxox server telling me a drive went read only , from a SSD and even a HDD, very odd behavior and it finally pulled the last straw with me last Thursday. I had a 4TB drive acting as my Storage/backup drive which this complained about so I put a 1TB drive in which is pretty much 2 yrs old so plenty of life on it.
I went through and tested the SSD with extended tests and it passed with flying colors, so it dawned on me, maybe it’s the SATA data cable, and sure enough, it was. When I had run the
sudo smartctl -x -T permissive /dev/sdb
it only presented very little information on it, swapping the cable and it now presents the full SMART data and stats as it should. Additionally, it’s been more stable with the performance so far. So I call that a win.In the software side, I have been going through the Home Assistant instance and removing dead/old entities I never had gotten to removing
I dealt with a lot of time sinks like this running on consumer hardware. I got a Dell R720 and those problems all went away. Now I have a power and cooling problem. :D
Sounds annoying to debug, glad you found the culprit!
I know this isn’t sexy but I’ve been working on my documentation. Getting configs etc properly versioned in my gitea instance, readmes updated etc. My memory is not what it once was and I need the hints when things break.
Same here. I got Gemini to write a shell script for me that I can run on my Proxmox host which will output all of my configs to a .txt file. I asked it to format the output in a way a LLM can understand so I can just copy/paste it next time I need to consult AI.
This sounds interesting. Although I’m not even sure of what sort of configuration I would need to keep between reinstalls lol.
Mostly the stuff in /etc/pve, plus whatever you installed in additional software
Pretty cool! I also try to improve my documentation
Slowly building up my self hosted test env in a VM on my gaming PC.
Most recently playing with homepage so I don’t have to remember as many sub domains.
Eventually I will get the *arr stack going so my jellyseerr instance is more automated.
I’m an idiot so it took me about 3 frustrating years to get all the docker containers working. Worth it every day
I spun up a new Plex server with a decent GPU - and decided to try offloading Home Assistant’s Preview Voice Assistant TTS/STT to it. That’s all working as of yesterday, including an Ollama LLM for processing.
Last on my list is figuring out how to get Home Assistant to help me find my phone.
Got any links for howtos on this?
Sure! I mostly followed this random youtuber’s video for getting Wyoming protocols offloaded (Whisper/Piper), but he didn’t get Ollama to use his GPU:
For getting the Nvidia/Docker passthrough, I used this guide:
It’s working fairly great at this point!
I lost all my inpsiration after my last install. I’ve literally just got immich and a raid array. I want to add a few things:
- Public facing website
- Jellyfin
- VPN server
- Individuous
I’m eternally sitting here putting off migrating my homelab from docker to rootless podman due to some rather janky patterns I use. It might be super smooth or it might not so instead I just wait in endless decision paralysis
how are you trying to run podman?
If you just want a similar setup as with docker I’ll recommend this:
Lingering (running services without login / after logout)
sudo loginctl enable-linger <user>
Check out the storage.conf to use the fuse-overlay driver.
I like podman-compose and i have a start up script that restarts all my containers at reboot, as my user.
Also use the full link to your images, like oder where ever you get your images from.
have fun :)
I ended up just adapting my composes to run commands, on my desktop I don’t mind having to manually start them at boot, I could easily make a simple thing to just run at boot and just say
podman run <container>
as most of my containers depend on others so I can just start the child-most container and it’ll start them all. I just have some shenanigans where I use one container as a VPN for the other ones, which is a bit messy if using rootless. I’ll have a look into the links and see if there’s anything new in there I haven’t seen before but yeah, nothing unsolveable I’m just needlessly putting things off lol
Find a new service you like, add it using rootless podman. That way you can test it without affecting your running system.
I more mean replacing the runtime etc, I’ve got some running on another machine and had some difficulty wrapping my head around the subuid and subgid stuff, so in theory I should be fine but it’s an irrational worry lol
I have setup a immich docker container and am slowly moving users and images from google photos.
Replacing Google Photos is still on my to-do list. How do you like Immich so far? Did you compare it to any alternatives?
Interested in this too - immich gets so much viral hype I’m a little suspicious of it
I set it up a couple weeks ago. It’s alright; facial recognition works pretty well, the files are easy to manage, and setup was pretty straightforward (using docker).
Searching for images works fairly well, as long as you’re searching for content and not text. Searching ‘horse’ for example does a pretty good job showing you your pictures of horses, but often misses images containing the word horse. Not always, but it’s noticeable to me.
The mobile apps work well too; syncing files in the background as they appear, optionally creating albums based on folders. Two things I find missing though are the ability to edit faces/people in an image (you’ve gotta do that from a browser), and the ability to see what albums an image is in and quickly navigate to one.
It’s a developing project that’s well on it’s way. A good choice imo.