This is a rant about how so many apps on many different platforms (TVs, mobile devices, computers, etc…) have decided to not actually show detailed errors any more. Instead, we get something along the lines of:
Oops, somehting went wrong. Please try again later
… and then, well, we get to figure out what just happened and what in the world we need to do about it. And good luck with that, since you have no idea what just failed.
Why software developers?!? Why have you forsaken us?
EDIT 24 hours later: I feel like I need to clarify a few things:
I’ve worked for 8 software companies over 30+ years. I know why putting a DB error into the message users see is a bad idea. I know that makes me uncommon, but I still want more info from these messages.
You all are answering as if there are only two ways this can work: (a) what we have now (which is useless), and (b) a detailed error listing showing a full stack trace. I think the developers could meet me half-way.
What I want is either (a) “Something went wrong on the server, you can’t fix it, but we will” or (b) “Something on your end didn’t work. Check your network or restart the app or do something differently and then try the same thing again”. And if they’re blocking me because I’m using a VPN, fucking say so (but that’s a whole separate thing…)
Some apps do provide enough info so I have a clue what I should do next, and I appreciate the effort they put into helping me. I think what I am really ranting about is I want more developers to take the time to do this instead of reporting all errors with “Oops, try again”. (If the error is in their server, why should I try again?) Give me a hint as to the problem, so I have something to go on.
Cheers y’all. Still love you my techy brothers and sisters.
Never show the customer a big scary error message. In the unlikely event something goes wrong, dispatch an error event so the engineers can track the issue. They’ll pull detailed logs, and know what to do. Meanwhile, guide the customer to return later with the error screen, and collect their userId if possible. Once the issue is fixed, send them an apology email to let them know they should try again
Most companies just follow the first half of that process, unfortunately
Yah, I love that idea of follow up but I imagine if the software is used by hundreds of thousands or more people, they can’t follow up on every case.You’d think that could be largely automated but who knows.
I work for a big tech company, and part of our incident response procedure is to identify impacted users to send apology comms after cleaning everything up. Still, running those queries is a pain in the ass, so I understand why most companies don’t do that
Do show a big scary error message. I would like to understand what is going on.