Fear not the mass of noodles, nor thine anxiety over the mountains of starch thy must consume, my son.
Tomorrow it will all be pasta tense.
Spaghetti? Do this 👌. A portion is more or less what fits between the thumb and the index. Anything else is excess.
The last thing I want is to make spaghetti and still be hungry after I eat it. Whole box it is.
Side note: Only works with average size hands, I can fit more than a pound of dry spaghetti between thumb and index
Finally I’ve found someone whose hands match my stomach!
The sequel to this meme would be the wizard sitting the other way
“And I ate it all in one serving”
How can you have too much pasta?
Never happened to me
How to get the correct amount of pasta:
- Get as much as you think is right.
- Wrong.
- Eat it all anyway because pasta is delicious.
I usually do that with butter beans.
So a half batch
No matter how much pasta you make, you’re obligated to eat it in a single sitting.
This is the way.
This is the way I die.I have a couple pastas that make good leftovers, but if I’m not planning on them I’ll gorge myself on the entire four person meal of pasta
Not like this…slurp…not like this…
S friend of mine did that with rice some years ago. Instead of cooking like one cup he filled the pot about halfway. Needless to say, that we got free rice that day.
I always weigh my pasta. A really large serving of pasta is ~4oz.
Oh well, guess I’m eating pasta this month. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You’re gonna show up in a youtube video.
A 30 year old presented to the E.R. with a bloated stomach and high fever. He claims to have eaten the same pasta for 30 days. As we know, botulism starts to grow on noodles after three days, which means…
Ackchully Clostridium botulinum is an obligate anaerobe from soil and should never grow in conditions of old pasta. The oxygen alone would kill it.
Start weighing your pasta. You’ll never cook too much again.
Start weighing EVERYTHING. The consistency your dishes reach is crazy good! A weighing scale isn’t that expensive
Do people not use kitchen weights? It’s a very common thing where I live (in Europe)
Hell, I often just use a kitchen weight to measure volume of water instead of using a measuring cup, as 1 liter of water ~= 1 kilogram
americans have to deal with insane units like pints and ounces
I’m a scientist, metric is practically my 2nd language.
I mean yea but last time I made spaghetti all the recipes were like xx weight(cooked). WTF am I supposed to do with that?
You’re supposed to disregard it. Just boil enough pasta for however many servings you want, a serving of dry pasta is 60g. Why are you using a recipe for spaghetti?
To figure out how much pasta to use so I don’t make too much…
Anyone else have a weird thing where pasta does not make them feel full?
I could probably eat 3 times as much pasta by weight as I could, let’s say, rice. And I would only have to stop because I physically feel that there is no more room in my stomach. It’s like my brain does not register pasta as food and so I don’t mentally feel full or get any less hungry.
And it’s just with pasta! Not bread, not rice, not pizza, not lasagna, nada. It is very weird and I never heard of anyone with the same issue.
Ps, because of this, I just cannot make too much pasta, no such thing.
Yes, I can eat a seemingly infinite amount of pasta. Just pasta.
I feel less alone now
I’ve notice that for a few years now. I believe the quality has been worst and worst. I never buy the cheapest brands, I look for the thickest looking ones. I prefer egg pasta and stay far away for the 3-minutes ones.
You might want to try whole grain pasta.
I tried and saw a small difference but the big change was only taste.
That’s weird.
I eat my fair share of fiber already. Adding more of them doesn’t help me much to feel full if my carbs are still of bad quality.
I have the opposite issue. Pasta makes me feel bloated.
I’m similar but will all carbs - only proteins make me feel full, unless there’s meat involved I generally don’t consider it a meal. Carbs and veggies do not make me full at all and I never crave them, they’re only there to give me variety and make me feel civilized while I consume meat. I never really crave sugar either.
P.S. I’m not one of those “meat-only diet” whackjobs and I have nothing against vegetarians or vegans or animals but this has just been my experience entirely.
That’s the weird thing. It’s not about the nutrient type because other types of carbs do make me feel full. It’s just specifically pasta. I don’t know why. I could easily eat a bowl of rice and feel full but I could eat three bowls of pasta and just know that I’m full but not feel it.
I’ve got a second stomach for ice cream, maybe yours is for pasta
But it’s not that I love pasta in a special way, it’s okay-ish
Lucky. For me it’s either spend more money to eat beef or pork with every meal or just cope with always feeling low-key hungry.
Ah see it wasn’t bread that jesus handed out on the mound it was a small batch of pasta
Did pasta exist in Jesus’ time? I don’t think they mention it much in the Bible.